chapter 8

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Changbin had Felix come over to his apartment to hang out, not realizing that things were going to get wonderfully out of hand. Changbin sits next to Felix and they start watching a movie. 

Felix's hand rests on Changbin's  thigh, gently caressing it.  Felix drags his hand up excruciatingly slow, teasing h to the point he is going to go insane.

Changbin is biting down on his lip trying to contain a moan. When Felix's hand brushes his steadily growing  bulge he can't  contain his moan any longer. Felix smirks, "you like that baby boy?"

Changbin moans in response to Felix. Not at all because he is palming changbin through his pants.  Felix attaches his lips to Changbin's not giving a shit about the haters. He pulls  Changbin onto his lap slipping a hand up his shirt. Fingers skirting his side causing changbin to gasp allowing Felix to slip his tounge into his mouth. Felix continues to make out with changbin and he slowly eases him onto his back on the couch.

Felix looks up as someone knocks onthe door. He gets off of changbin and answers the door. Felix looks shocked, " Hi win-win. I thought you weren't visiting untill tommorow."

Felix laughs a little awkwardly. "I said that yesterday silly. But since your obviously busy,(wink) I'll leave. Bye bye."

Felix groans and looks at Changbin. He can tell that he isn't getting in his pants today. Felix sighs, " Winwin you fucking cock block!"

Also they haven't been there date yet................................¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

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