I need you to read this, please

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Hello everyone, I just want to let you all know I truly value every single one of you. I know that this is different than what I normally post. But please just stick with me here. And please, if you're unhappy with yourself when you look in the mirror, just stop. Stare at yourself for as long as you need, don't think anything at all, just look at yourself. You are so so so beautiful. Every curve, every hair, every mole, every freckle, every wrinkle, every scar, every single part of all of you is absolutely gorgeous. I don't care about that one thing you did in fourth grade. I don't care about that one awkward time. It doesn't matter. It happens to us all. Dwane Johnson, Micheal Jackson, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, all of them. If anyone has a problem with you, then they are the problem, not you. They can go fuck themselves if they're too blind to see how bright you shine and how unique and talented you are. You should love your flaws and your imperfections. Also, learn to really appreciate the good things about you, too. Negative words are disgusting. Imagine that every time you think about yourself and you use negative words you're also stepping on a huge ass dog shit without shoes or socks on. You don't want that, do you? Do you really want to hurt yourself like that? If you say "no" to that question, then you are absolutely right. If you say "yes," to that question, then I have one thing to tell you. That is a lie. I am 100%- no. I am 1,000,000% positive that you do not want to be so cruel to yourself. Whether it's because you think your ugly, or annoying, or overweight, or too childish, or too skinny, or too weird. No matter what your excuse is, I don't want to hear it. Your body doesn't deserve to be treated like that. Your mind, your body, and every other damn part of you deserves to be treated kindly. You deserve to be treated kindly. Now, I'm not perfect. I think negative thoughts far more than I should. But I'm trying. That's all I need from you. Just try. Change doesn't come easy, you have to work for it. And if you want to live everyday unhappy, then go ahead. But let me tell you, it hurts. It's so fucking painful. You'll wake up some days and you just want to escape it all. There is a way to stop it. You can defeat it. And I know it's scary, I know it's easier just to hate yourself, but I know you can do it. I believe in you. I believe in every single one of you. I love you all so very much. Please, have a good day or night or whatever time it is where you are. I hope that I at least poked a hole in that little dark box you may be in. Once again, I love you.

If you have thought about suicide or harming yourself, please call this number: 1-800-273-8255

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