The Hunter

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"All able arms!!" the voice boomed over the tavern's merry folk as the sounds of drunken laughter and eating and discussion flourished over Merigold's Tavern. "I am searching for the one who would help me slay the beast of Novigrad!!.. King Radovid has declared that should be the beast be slain, he who has slain it will claim lordship over one of his new states.. and be granted a house and assets fit for a lord!!"

The knight looked up from his scroll, which was stamped with the official royal seal of the King of Redania and smirked. "Of course with such a reward at stake perhaps I shall go for the beast myself wahahahaha!"

"Enough of the pleasantries Stuart! Just get to the location of the damn monster already!" roared one of the mercenaries who was in the tavern listening to the declaration. 

Stuart Yelderheart was a hearty and large man, with a belly that suggested that he had lived past his glory days.. and standardized armor sizes.. and a beard to match a dwarf's, it was all deceptive, as his muscles were still powerful enough that the legends that he could crush a boulder with his bare fingers might not have been exaggerated.  He held his helm under one arm, and the scroll in the other.  His brilliant red and silver cape over his bronze colored armor was probably one of the few things that didn't mistaken him for a Skelligen warrior. 

Stuart laughed again. "Alright alright.. actually we were hoping maybe we might find a Witcher in the crowd.. but for those of able arms and brave hearts.. rumor is a Fiend has been spotted near the pass to Novigrad by the north east.. a few knights have already tried in the name of Redania.. unfortunately it has proven.. fruitless.."

"Novigrad should deal with it instead of relying on foreign kings to slay their monsters.. where are the witchers!?" growled an old crotchety looking man near the bar. 

"It is Redania's problem moreso than Novigrad.. those are Redanian trade routes you daft old fool!" grunted a peasant. "Just let the knight speak won'tcha?!"

"Monster's dead.." said one man. 

Everyone stared at the lone man in the corner... He had a slender face of notable beauty, with an almost feminine charm to it.. his pointed ears and long blonde hair gave away the story... an elf.

"And who asked you ya dirty elven swine?" grunted the elderly man.

Stuart sighed. He did not approve of the racism humanity displayed towards elves.. but.. there wasn't much he could say without making a bad situation worse. 

"Well, I thought it be good manners to know.. that the beast is likely already facing its grave.. what with the young lady having already heard about the beast about 2 hours ago in the tavern over yonder.." said the elf with a smirk, fiddling his longsword in his belt.  She left only 10 minutes after Stuart here made his declaration in that tavern too.. oh.. nice to see you again by the way Stuart dear man.."

"Vitus.. " said Stuart, nodding his head. 

"You can't be serious.. a woman going off to kill monsters!?" said one of the men with a laugh as he took his flagon of drink from the tray of a nervous waitress. "Next thing you'll be telling us is that the Nilfgardians have learned to fly and are coming to take over Novigrad with piglets tied to their underbellies.."

"FOOM!" The door banged open suddenly, as a girl stepped in.. a girl who drew in the eye of every person who sat in the tavern..

What drew their eyes nobody could say for certain.

Was it perhaps her snow white hair that shimmered beautifully, cut straight and beautifully along the bangs and sides in the style of a foreigner from the lands far in the east?  Perhaps her youth that said she was yet to be wed or even left virginity? Her rather fit build that made her appear far stronger from typical Novigrad women? Or maybe the armor she wore which was open around her back and thighs.. with a crown like helm on her head.. that was made of.. dare any say.. dragon scales of pure silver..  Or maybe it was the two twin slender swords at her back with blades that looked as if they were made of ice and silver. Blades that, in spite of their elegant and slender design..looked large enough to cleave through an elephant's head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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