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"Hey mom, how was work?" I greet my mom when she walks through the door.

"It was... Rough." she hesitates

"What do you mean?" I always love to hear her stories from work. She's a 911 operator so she gets all kinds of crazy stuff.

"Well there was this boy, not much older than you, and he was going to kill himself." She sighs.

"Oh my gosh, is he okay?" I ask.

"Yeah he's fine. The police got there just in time to save him." she still sounds a little hesitant.

"Okay so what's the issue?" I ask her.

"I want you to go to the hospital tomorrow to visit him. No one knows his parents and he lives on his own. Megan, he has no one." She looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"No way. I don't even know him. What if he's a total weirdo? Mom you know I don't like meeting new people. I like my friends I don't want a new one and-" she cuts me off. I tend to ramble when I get nervous.

"Honey, everything will be fine. I just want you to talk to him. What's the worst that could happen?" She shrugs.

"He could kill me." I blurt out.

"Don't be ridiculous. He's a troubled teen not a homicidal psycho." she laughs.

"Can I at least know his name?" I roll my eyes to show her that I'm not excited about it.

"Luke Hemmings."

Well he doesn't sound like a murderer. That's a good sign... I guess.

"What are your plans for tonight?" My mom interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh, uhm I was gonna hang out with Dee." I tell her.

"Alright well have fun. Be safe!" She yells as I grab my keys and walk out the door.
"Wait what?" Dee looks at me confused.

"I know right! I don't even know this kid and she wants me to go see him in the hospital." I roll my eyes. I do that a lot.

"So he tried to kill himself? Why?" Dee asks being her curious self.

"How should I know? All I know is his name is Luke, his parents are gone and he's old enough to live on his own."

"Oh my gosh what if you like fall in love? That would be so romantic!" She squeals. She's such a dork.

"Not gonna happen," I laugh "besides I already got my eye on someone." I smile.

"Would this someone have a name? Perhaps Asthon?" She raises her brow and smirks.

"Speaking of Ashton," my phone rings and his name pops up on my screen.

"Hello? Meg?" He questions.

"Well this is my number." I giggle.

"Yeah, right," He laughs nervously, "well listen I'm going to this party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to be my da- uh guest sorta thing." he sounds so nervous.

"I would love to," I laugh reassuringly. I can tell he's being shy.

Ashton and I have had a thing for the last few months and he still gets nervous when we talk. I find it adorable.

"Really?! I mean okay, cool. Uhm hey, bring Dee for Michael. He's a little upset about his breakup with Trish and I was hoping-"

"She'd would be more than happy to." I cut him off. Dee looks at me with a confused face. I mouth "Michael" and her face immediately gets bright red. She's always had the biggest crush on Michael.

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