The pokemon trainer?

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PSY LOOK A CITY! What? A CITTTTTY. Ok let's go to the city blade. Ok psy! Let's see if we can see any pokemon or pokemon trainers. But Psy let's not get captured by the trainers ok psy. Ok blade

*psy's mind* should i...i...i...I what is what?

*ash K* look, it's a gallade and a garduvior. I'm going to battle them! Hay gallade and garnivour, I challenge you to a battle!

Ok. What you can talk? Yeah didn't you know that I... .......... Hay haven't I seen you befor? Yes I do know you ash. I REMEMBER YOU FROM KANTO, AND YOU GALLADE. Ummmmmmmmm ok I guess. So ummmm, wanna battle me? OK LETS BATTLE!🔹🔹🔷🔸🔸🔶 🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥 go Frokey, I got that blade. *psy used payback, Frokey fanted* NOOOOOOOOOŒÒÔÖÓÕØŌOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Go flèchender. PSY I got this * blade used blade cut, flèchender fanted. WHAT! But how do you do that!?!? Idk. Go pickache! PSY let's combine our moves! Ok blade. *blade used blade cut and psy used feucher sight and psycick* DOUGE IT NOW! Pik BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM *pickeche fanted. I have 1 more idea! To protect the world from the divestion, to Unight all people with in are nation, to announce the evil of truth and love, to extend the reach to the stars above, Jesse, James, umm ok. UGGGGGGGGGG WHYYYYYYYY DOOOOOOOOOOO UUUUUUUUUU HAVEEEEEEEEEEEE TOOOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOO THATTTTTTTTTTTTT BROOOOOOOOOOO! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡👺👺👺👺. Ok can u just leave. WHAT A TALKING GARDIVIOR! Yea so what? WAND A TALKING GALLADE! *they're ship captures pay and blade* HELP! Psy use psycick and I'll use it too!*they both used psycick, nouthing happend.* what! How did that not work?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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