It was transmigration, not Rebirth!

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He felt so numb and he couldn't even feel the freezing cold. All he wanted was to vent out this anger and revenge for his brother, for all the wrongs that were done toward them.

He only snapped out of it when a man had tripped over his body.

"What the hell is kid doing out here at this hour!?" the man hissed in complaint.

Shen Yuan was unable to speak. When he looked up at the man who had sat up next to him did he realize that it was already so dark. He can barely see anything except for the glowing red mark on what was supposed to be that person's head.

His body immediately tensed, an involuntary response that he had develop during their travel and his years living in the slums, when the adults would find trouble and beat them up for no apparent reason or when they were caught stealing. He was scared that this person would be pissed off and beat him.


"You alright, kid?" the man asked him, there was a genuine tone of concern in his voice. "Sorry that I didn't see you lying there." It had already surprised Shen Yuan that he asked him in concern but for the person to apologize and even help him sit up made him speechless. When was the last time someone had shown him that kindness other than Qi-ge?

"I know that the night sky is pretty, but a kid like you shouldn't be out here in this cold. You people are way too fragile after all."

"I..." Shen Yuan opened his mouth to speak when someone with a lantern approached them. The faint light hurt's Shen Yuan's dried eyes that he can't help but blink a few times to adjust his vision.

"Juns...shang..als...right?" the new person's voice was very sluggish, as if his mouth was refusing to cooperate with him.

When Shen Yuan opened his eyes he saw the faces of the two people who came – or rather a person and a humanoid. The one who stepped over him was a good looking young man who seemed to be in his mid-twenties, his tapered eyebrows emphasizing his brave and outstanding appearance. His black pupils were like two impossibly deep voids. He gave off an aura of a noble, his regal presence made Shen Yuan as if he should pay his respects to this person. Then, the humanoid next to him, under the faint light of the lamp he could see that there are patches of his skins that have scales and his eyes were golden with a black slits for a pupil.

Shen Yuan immediately knew that these people are demons. He was unable to react at first, not because he was scared, but because he found it so ironic that the ones who had shown him kindness was not those humans but these demons that were said to be ruthless killers and feared by many.

He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.

"I'm alright. Sorry if you got hurt from tripping over me." Shen Yuan finally spoke. "I'll help you pick up your books."

The man raised an eyebrow at him. He had expected this kid to either tremble in fear or scream his lungs out, alerting the entire town of the presence of demons when he saw his companion. Instead, the child was calm as if he was just talking to a passerby and even offered his help.

He can't help but think of this child as interesting. "Thanks kid."

Shen Yuan gave him a nod in response and proceed to pick up the scattered books. He didn't know that demons loved reading. He flipped the books over to read the tittle and frowned. They were all romance novels, he knew because he read some of them in their family library.

What the heck!?

"These stories are no good." Shen Yuan commented a he stared at the books and found them to be one of those that he had cursed back in the Shen Manor.

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