Chapter X

16 1 58

Song: "Above Suspicion" -Mil Tillis
I pick Ronnie up at seven on the dot, she looks as beautiful as always, and I tell her that. She blushes and a plants a delicate kiss on my lips which leaves me wanting more, but I don't try to go further with her because it's awkward when there's a compartment between the two front seats, and I want to take things slow between us. She obviously hasn't gone very far with physical intimacy, so I want to respect her pace.

"So what's on tonight's agenda?" Ron asks before I begin to pull out of the driveway, her mom waves from the living room window which catches me by surprise, but I recollect my wits and wave back to her and give her the nicest smile I can muster hoping that by some miracle I have won her over.

"I thought we'd go to the drive in movie, but get some snacks first. It starts at nine," I say, making my route to a convenience store on the way.

"Ooh I'd love that! I've always wanted to go to the drive in movie but all my friends thought it was lame and too many hippies went," Ron replies.

"Well yeah, there's a lot of hippies. And a lot of pot so don't be accepting anything from anybody there, got it?" The last thing I want is for Ron to smoke and get hooked on it or do some dumb stuff.

My friends Joe and Chris were big into it, Chris even made big bucks dealing it. I gave him a large loan to start off his "business" from my grandma's inheritance I received when I turned sixteen, since then he's been making me larger monthly payments to fully pay me back. His girlfriend is also into it, he calls her his queen and treats her like it which I admire.

"Got it, chief," Ron responds with a cute little smile.

We get snacks and go to the movie which is a timeless classic, Back to The Future, and it's amazing. We continue to hangout everyday after school the following week, I drive her home everyday or she comes over and I am very joyful for the whole week, until Sunday when I have to eat supper at my dad's. That past Sunday wasn't too bad, a little tense. My dad seems to be put under a bit of stress which automatically makes me feel bad for Owen, but I doubt my dad has done anything cruel to him.

When I get there his wife answers the door like usual, he can't be bothered to, and he doesn't even bother to come upstairs.

"He's in his den," Teyana says in a cautious tone after giving Grace and me a hug. A dark expression on her face reveals that he's obviously in his dark place, similar to mine. However, instead of disappearing and isolating himself he disappears and when he's bothered; physically harms the one who bothered him.

"Would you like help with supper?" I ask, putting an effort into trying to cheer Teyana up. I do like her I guess, I just don't like that she ruined her life by marrying my dad.

"Oh that's alright, but thank you Michael," she responds, heading back into the kitchen.

"Please, I insist," I say following her. I see Owen starting to enter the living room and I wave to him and say hi.

"Well if you really want, you can scrub those potatoes," she says, giving in. I do so, Grace helps me because she doesn't like to be alone with Owen. It makes her sad. She is young but she has the thought process of a very mature adult, like a wise old lady who has experienced everything in life. She could guide me through life I'm sure, she's very smart.

When Teyana finishes making supper, she announces to us that it's ready, then carefully goes to the basement to tell my dad it's ready.

Grace, Owen, and I are all blessed with an amazing meal. She made us stuffed baked potatoes, a wonderful roasted chicken, and assorted vegetables with a stuffing. She makes amazing stuffing and I always make sure to ask to take some home.

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