Cursed Man

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Robert Kent

Robert Kent is a tall, broad-shouldered muscular man whose long black hair fell over his eyebrows whenever he bent his face. He is a petty author whose books were mainly on mystery and crimes.

Robert's stories not only revolve around mystery, crime and punishment but also the offender's frame of mind and their standpoint on the felony that they have committed. Of all the things in crimes, prisons were most appealing to him as he was intrigued as to how a place with all of the wicked and dangerous inmates under one roof functioned. He desired to make his next book a great success and this time, he wants to write the true stories of the daily lives between the walls of the prison. For this purpose, he went to great lengths to meet and interview ex-convicts about their life and experiences during their time served in jail.

While finding a compelling story for his book, Robert falls in love with Jenny, the daughter of his landlord.

Jenny is a charming young girl in her early twenties. She has a slender body with big shining eyes, a straight pointy nose and contagious smiling red lips. She seemed as if she walked out of a beautiful painting.

Robert and Jenny clicked naturally, soon Jenny started liking Robert, she particularly liked his guts to to do anything in what he believed.

Robert's proposal

Finally, Robert proposes to Jenny. She happily says yes, but her parents didn't approve of Robert, as he lacked a real job and was meeting with ex-convicts.

Jenny tried hard to convince her parents, but soon she realised that it wont work and chose her parents over Robert. So she breaks up with him and marries a lawyer and moves to another city.

Goodbye, Jenny!

Robert was depressed and mad over Jenny's decision. He completely loses his mind and gets addicted to smoking and drinking, He tries hard to forget her but he couldn't, a year passes by and Jenny comes home to her parents with a new born baby boy. When Robert comes to know about this, he couldn't take it and quickly goes back to his apartment and decides to kill himself once and for all, he searches through cabinets to use something to kill himself but instead he finds all the hard work he did for the past 2 years when he finds all the notes he made during his visits to ex-convicts. He then thinks to himself "what am I doing, I let a girl ruin me and my dream, I can't let this happen to me" and  decides to bid Good Bye to Jenny.

Three years pass by, Robert gets a voicemail from Jenny.

Her voice trembled and she was sobbing, "Rob.. Robert, they killed Patrick, they shot our child. It's true. Patrick is your child. I am so sorry for not telling you before. They shot him as he.. he was running towards me.. he said... he said mama and put his..  arms open... he .... there was a loud sound... he was smiling.. and.. and he jolted and fell forward.. and everything around him became red.. and I was too shocked and the pain knew no bounds, tears broke like the waves of the ocean. They killed our son." rage took over Robert and he rushes to see Jenny. People crowded her house. "I am too late", he thought. Jenny killed herself out of immense sadness. He couldn't believe she was no more. "What did I do to deserve this? I could never talk to my only love or hold my child ever. I was devastated. What did the child do? What did we do to get punished like this? " thought Robert.

Desmond, Jenny's husband told Robert that Benesi Jacob killed Patrick as he didn't budge to his threats upon suing him. Desmond was petrified and is still in shock. He repeatedly blamed himself for their deaths.

Benesi, you are mine!!

A few days later, Benesi was apprehended and sentenced a lifetime in prison.  Robert became vengeful and just couldn't stay put. He is enraged and totally fixated on taking revenge on Benesi so he decides to end Benesi once and for all. As Benesi was put in prison, Robert has to make his way to the prison thus he deliberately gets himself caught while faking a bank robbery.

It was harsh

Robert is in the same prison as Benesi. Robert's blood boiled as he saw Benesi breathing. Each time Robert saw him, he had an urge to stab him. Robert couldn't tolerate to see Benesi walking hale and healthy when his innocent child was killed by Benesi for no reason. Robert started meditating to control his anger and began stalking Benesi. Prison was a dangerous and filthy place. It had more security than Robert had imagined with security cameras fixed everywhere and numerous guards watching and on checking duty always.

Robert had figured a few times of the day but one best time would to strike Benesi would be after lunch hour when the prison opens its vast barbed wire gates to the yard. A horde of people storm out in a way that if someone is killed, the guards would not come across the lifeless body collapsed on the floor until after the crowd had passed. Robert thought killing Benesi at that time will bring him his death in an instant, that is too merciful. Robert wants Benesi to suffer. He wants Benesi to experience the most cruelest and painful death.

For the past few weeks, Robert has been watching Benesi's routine and his actions keenly as he wanted to strike Benesi at the right opportunity. Robert realized Benesi was scheming an escape plan. Robert observed Benesi keeping to himself, repeatedly scanning every corner of the prison as if he's making a mental map of all the doors, walls, the times at which the warders are off guard, usually when their shift time is up. Robert began doing exactly the same things as Benesi has been doing as a trap so he could notice and think that Robert too is planning an escape. Benesi walked into the trap as he approached and asked Robert to be his accomplice to break free from the prison.

Robert pretended not to know anything about an escape plan and to be uninterested in Benesi's ploy and refused his offer and asked him to mind his own business. Benesi kept showing up to persuade Robert just as he wanted him to. Gradually, Robert accepted to partner up with Benesi in return for 500 grand. Benesi was initially hesitant to accept the deal for such a huge amount but eventually gave in as he was getting quite sick of the prison's life.

Out of prison

Benesi and Robert made a masterplan to break out of the prison thanks to Robert's prior research and knowledge of prisons from all the ex-convicts. Robert can't wait to bring Benesi out of the prison and kill him ruthlessly. It was only a matter of days now.

Finally, they escaped from the prison through a drain tunnel and Benesi made a few calls from the nearest booth to his cronies to pick them up. Benesi's pals provided them with food and shelter in their old dilapidated farmhouse basement and kept them both hidden from the police.

Robert and Benesi had to wait till the searches cooled off until they could move out of there. In a month, Benesi managed to gather and give Robert bags filled with 500 grand in cash and Robert validated the amount. Pretending to thank him, Robert swiftly took out two short knives and plunged them into Benesi's eyes. It was a rapid and unexpected movement to Benesi and he fell on his knees and screamed his lungs out as blood streamed from his eyes. He was involuntarily placing his hands on his eyes but he couldn't as it was only making the knives press deeper. "ha, his plight of misery" thought Robert as he was enjoying Benesi's every shriek and his struggle to make a comeback. Benesi shivered in terror as he heard Robert laugh at his sorry state. After a few minutes, Robert grabbed a big old axe, straightened Benesi's leg and butchered it in one strong stroke. Finally, Benesi spoke "why?.. why are you doing this?". Robert chopped a few fingers off of Benesi's hands and slowly told him that the little boy who he had killed ruthlessly was his child. Robert waited some more and lastly gave a killer blow as he swayed the axe splitting Benesi's head in half.

Post vengeance

Robert buys off Benesi's accomplice to keep him quiet. He successfully completes and publishes his last book which he dedicates to Patrick.

Author : Sudheer Suri
Editor   :  Bhavana Oruganti
Cover by : Sachin Mahipathi

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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