Chapter 14: Superstitions

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Alex relaxed a bit. He hadn't picked it and taken it into the house, so everything was fine, she was probably just some kid playing a prank. With the winter melting away, plants were probably sprouting up everywhere. It was just a coincidence. Nothing to worry about.

Alex put the book back in its rightful place and scolded himself for being so silly. They were just superstitions after all. Nothing to worry about.

He made his way calmly out of his room and into the living area of the cabin. He would do some woodwork. But as soon as he entered, he saw it. Something that hadn't been there when he got home. 

On the little table in front of the fire, there was a white ceramic vase. The vase was nicer than anything Alex had ever seen in his life, much less be able to afford. But it wasn't the vase that made Alex go white and faint, it was what it held.

A single snowdrop was placed in the vase, its white petals hanging delicately but with an air of  melancholy. The stem drooping with the weight of the flower's warning. It was like the flower knew its own meaning, and mourned for the ill-fortune it would bring.

When Alex came to it was dark outside. He woke up with a start, his heart racing in his chest. He glanced up at the table and saw that the flower was still there. Alex jumped up and raced out the door, leaving his thick coat on the floor where he had discarded it earlier. He even left his door open in his hurry.

The cold seemed to burn at his exposed skin, but Alex ignored it as he ran into the forest. His breath coming out in misty puffs, the sound of his boots disturbing the snow; they were his only company as he ran. He had to get to Christian. He had no idea if he would even hear him or come when he called, but he had to try.

"Tian! Christian! Christian!" Screamed out Alex when he finally reached their clearing. "Christian!"

A pair of hands grabbed his shoulders causing Alex to leap away in fear. "It's only me," soothed Christian "it's only me."

Alex rushed into his chest. "The girl, she warned me the first time, and I didn't listen, she's given me another warning, and I don't know what to do-" He sobbed into Christian.

"Hush now, who is this girl? What is she warning you about?" 

"I don't know."

Christian used his magic to create a snowdrift and pulled Alex down into it with him. "I want you to explain to me everything that happened. From the beginning."

And so Alex began his tale. 

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