The Fall

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Disclaimer - I don't own Naruto or any of the characters unfortunately.

As the story begins we close in on a forest around the village of konohagakure no sato. Ten years ago the Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked the village and was sealed inside of a baby named naruto uzumaki.
This baby was hated for ten years by his own people. Naruto was never told of his burden. So now that that's out of the way we begin with a blond boy wearing a green shirt with a swirl on it and blue shorts.
Ten year old Naruto is lost in the woods. "WHERE THE HELL AM I."Naruto Screamed. Naruto had gone out to explore and get away from the glares. As he was walking the ground suddenly collapsed underneath him. "AAAAHHH!!!!!!!" He screamed as he fell. As he hit the floor everything went black.
He felt water drip on his forehead as he woke up. "Where am I now?" He wondered. "Come closer boy." A booming voice said. Naruto jumped from the sound of the voice but complied. When he found the voice he saw a giant nine tailed fox! "K-kyuubi"he stuttered. "That is correct kit." kyuubi said. "B-but y-your suppost to be dead." he said. "HAHAHAHAHA, that's the funniest thing I've herd in years" Kyuubi said wiping a tear from his eye. "What's so funny?"Naruto questioned with a confused look."Mortals can't kill me kit" Kyuubi said. "Oh ... so where are we?" He asked. Kyuubi smirked as he awnsered. "We are in your mindscape which was created when I was sealed inside of you by the yondaime hokage."Kyuubi told Naruto."W-what w-why?" Naruto asked. "I don't know, but what I do know is that I am going to train you." Kyuubi said to Naruto.
"REALLY!!!!" Asked an excited Naruto. "Yes." came the reply. He was about to shout in happiness until he saw the sadistic look in the foxes eyes. "Welcome to hell kit." kyuubi said with a evil smirk. The only reply that came to
Mind was "oh shit."
AN - The pairing in this story will be a Naruto x Fuu pairing. Also Naruto and Fuu will meet in a few chapters.
So peace out

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