Chapter 4 - Ash

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"My name is Dr. Sherman, and I'll take you to your rooms." Ash studied the man. He had white hair and was about average weight and height. Ash followed him, but his eyes wandered around O'Malloys. There were greenhouses everywhere.  Dr. Sherman stopped in front of a large building. Ash looked up and saw a sign that read "Boys' Dormitory" in an old font. That sign's probably as old as the school, he thought.

"This is where you'll be staying," Dr. Sherman told Ash. Ash nodded. He then turned to Mimosa and said, "If you're willing to wait out here for a few minutes, Ms. Voss will be out to escort you to your dorm." Ms. Voss. I've never heard that one before, Ash thought. Dr. Sherman pushed open the dorm's door. Ash took a deep breath and stepped inside. The lighting in the dorm was warm, and there were interesting old paintings on the wall. Ash made a mental note to come back and study the paintings more closely. All kinds of secrets about the school could be hidden in them.

Dr. Sherman led Ash up a spiral staircase and down a long hallway. He stopped at door 637. 

"This is your new room. Would you like me to show you how to open the door? The keys can be tricky to figure out." Dr. Sherman held up a small key made of what looked like old brass hanging around a grayish brown string. Ash questioningly fingered the string. It felt a lot like paper, only stronger.

"The string is made by our students from hemp that we grow ourselves. This way, students can wear their keys around their necks. It makes them much harder to lose."

Ash nodded, his eyes bright with the excitement O'Malloys brought.

"You put the key in the door," Dr. Sherman explained, demonstrating as he went. "Then twist it clockwise all the way around. Turn it a little bit counterclockwise, and push it in." Ash heard a click as he pushed the key into the door's lock. 

"I'll give you the rest of the day to meet your roommate," Dr. Sherman said as he slipped the key around Ash's neck. "Remember, no leaving your room after 9." Ash smiled and waved at him as he closed the door. Now I have to meet my roommate.

"Hey!" Ash looked around for someone, seeing a few plants in the room. "Are you my new roommate?" 

Ash still couldn't see anyone.

"Anyone there?" A boy's face peeked out at Ash from the top bunk.

Ash smiled and waved.

"I guess you're my roommate then. I'm William. What's your name?" William climbed down from the top bunk. He was a bit pudgy and had red, short, hair.

Ash paused for a second, unsure of what to do. He looked around the room. Some parchment, and a long, slender, metallic item. He mimed writing on his hand.

"Wait, wait. It's more fun if you do it this way. Let me guess your name!" William said. 

"We'll start with A. Ummm, Andrew! Is it Andrew?"

Ash shook his head. What is he doing? Does he actually think he's going to guess my name?

"I don't know any more names that start with A," William muttered to himself.

"Bill! Or is it... Bob? No that would be Robert, which is an R..." 

Ash shook his head more dramatically. William looked at him for a second.

"It's not either of those. I'm doing something wrong."

Ash nodded.

"Is it later in the alphabet?"

Ash shook his head, sighing inside.

"Wait, wait, you don't have a name!"

Ash stared at him in disbelief.

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