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Decided to add my very short story prompts to the folder for NaNo this year because I am writing them during the month, so why not count them towards that total? Plus, I can always throw these into the overall novel or whatever I'm making this into intermittently or even as their own set chapter. I don't know, but may as well collect them in one place, although I do have them in their own folder already.

11/1: It was only the first day of the month and they could already tell they were going to be on a short #fuse. It wasn't as if anything really bad had happened to them, they could feel it in their bones and soul. #vss365

11/2: He fiddled with the #cuff of his suit, not wanting to seem too obvious with his fidgeting. He was nervous to be at the dance, but he came to support his friend Nick. Turning to said friend, he saw Nick empty a flask into the punch bowl and give it a stir. This will be fun. #vss365

11/3: She didn't know why she had followed Clay to the sewer #grate, but he said something about finding a dead body that she wanted to see herself, wanting to see if it was true. Being careful where she stepped, she followed after her friend into the dark. #vss365

11/4: Not knowing exactly what they were doing, they looked out over their small plot, hoping they'd grow something. They had been excited to tend to a #crop on their own, even if it was just tomatoes and herbs. Being a windowsill farmer was kinda cute and quaint. #vss365

11/5: A thin #haze spread across the road and surrounding fields, giving them déjà vu of every "Silent Hill" game they played. As they drove through the quiet, dark streets, they kept chanting, "Not today, Pyramid Head. Not today," eyes darting for any sign of him. #vss365

11/6: "You need to watch your diet and start exercising more." The order came from their doctor and they honestly didn't know how to react. Is this what it meant to be an adult? They thought of the food they'd have to #trim from their diet and cried a little at the thought. #vss365

11/7: "#Tread lightly in the woods at night. Don't let the monsters hear you as you walk through. If they so much as hear a whisper, you're doomed. Never try to run, stay still. Slow your breathing and don't fidget. Above all, don't talk. Not until you're out of the woods." #vss365

11/8: He knew that it was weird to have a #crush on his best friend, but he couldn't help it. Whenever he saw the male, his heart swelled and he felt elated whenever he saw the bright blue eyes and wide smile. He wondered if he should tell his feelings, or bottle them inside. #vss365

11/9: It was interesting to have a friend who never #spoke. My friend was able to hear just fine, but their voice didn't work. I loved hanging with them, but feel bad because all I can do is talk instead of sign. I vow to change that after tonight. I'll learn to sign for them. #vss365

11/10: They knew signing in the online lobby might be a mistake, but they didn't care. They would gladly welcome the #trolls with a smile and open arms, ready to laugh along with them. Instead, they found a peaceful setting, complete with relaxing music. The internet is strange. #vss365

11/11: If you had to describe your life, how would you do it? I would say that mine is like an inevitable #march into the sea, not sure if I should be afraid. At the same time, there are small reprieves where I can go against this march and do my own thing, but they're rare. #vss365

11/12: Winter in the Midwest wasn't always the most pleasant time of the year. A lot of the time, you had to #crank your heat up to defrost the windows, but immediately turn it to cold so they didn't fog up. Really, why would anyone want to live here year round? #vss365

11/13: I have always lived in the Midwest, so you would think that I would be OK with all of the blustery winds we get during the winter. Nope. I complain every year about living somewhere where the #wind hurts my face. #vss365

11/14: He didn't know what made him decide to go into the armed forces after finishing high school. He had no family that served before him, nor friends that served. Yet here he was, in a cold downpour, doing #drills and being yelled at. Strangely, he liked it. #vss365

11/15: Whenever he is around her, his heart #pounds like a drum and it's not because he likes her. No, this is fear that drives him. He's intrigued by her pale skin and dark hair, but her eyes unnerve him the most. Why are they so pale, yet lit as if they're on fire? #vss365

11/16: "It doesn't matter if it's good or not, you just need to show me something," their professor said during the meeting. "I know you hate doing rough #drafts of papers, but it is 30% of your grade, so I'd advise you do one."
Lovely, more work to do. #vss365

11/17: He always loved exploring the woods behind his grandmother's house as a kid. He'd cross the fallen tree bridge to the path, then hop the stream to the woods. He'd come back with twigs in his hair and his grandma would #pluck them out as he told her of his adventures. #vss365

11/18: When I watch "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1," I can't help but wanting to bust a move and #jive along with Peter Quill. The soundtrack for this movie is awesome because I grew up listening to this music with my mom as a kid. #vss365

11/19: "VEGAS OR #BUST" the bumper sticker in their hands said. They had said they always wanted to get married in Las Vegas by an Elvis Presley impersonator and here they were, standing on the strip and admiring all the sights and sounds. #vss365

11/20: As a kid, I always had a few kids in the neighborhood to #play with, but my best friend was always living across town growing up. I hardly got to see her outside of school, so I treasured those days when we were together. I can't remember what we played, but it was fun. #vss365

11/21: Being around the kids, he has to #refrain himself from talking too much about video games. One time, the boys learned he played #Fortnite and that conversation lasted the entire class session. Now, he stays quiet and pretends to be a "stupid adult." #vss365

11/22: Not realizing it was a #date they watched the movie, not taking their eyes off the screen. Because they were so engrossed with the screen, they missed the look their date was giving them. The young man beside them had a huge smile on his face, knowing they liked it. #vss365

11/23: Going to cons in '00s, it was common practice to "glomp" someone, especially a friend of yours. What this meant was you'd take a running start towards your target, jump towards them, and #tackle hug them to the ground. It's no longer allowed for obvious reasons. #vss365

11/24: I never understood why people loved going to #raves so much. There are too many people, the music is way too loud, the drinks are overpriced, and I'm certain everyone was on drugs. I do like the visuals some musicians do, but that's about all I like about them. #vss365

11/25: If they had to pick a favorite flavor of ice cream, they would have to go with #mint chocolate chip. Something about the extra cooling sensation in their mouth with each mouthful was divine and they could never tire of eating it. Why would anyone hate this flavor? #vss365

11/26: Stepping closer, she couldn't help but feel drawn to the simple machine in front of her. She'd come into the antique store on a whim and wandered the aisles until she saw it; an antique #loom, like one you'd see in "Sleeping Beauty." Man, it really was beautiful. #vss365

11/27: "Don't #lash out at me!"
They'd heard this line for the first time when their ex was breaking up with them. They knew they had a short fuse when it came to managing stress, but that cut to the core.
"Maybe something was wrong with me," they thought, crying silent tears. #vss365

11/28: To start a fire, it's best to use a flint, a knife, and some branches. You'll want to place the branches in a teepee shape in the middle of a rock circle. Taking the flint in one hand and a steel knife in the other, #strike the two together until you get a spark. #vss365

11/29: Watching where they placed their feet, they slowly made their way across the rickety old bridge. They swore they could feel the bridge shiver with each gust of wind. Daring a look over the side, they saw a long drop if they happened to #slip. Oh, that's not good. #vss365

11/30: Leaving has always left a bad taste in his mouth. He wanted to stay longer and spend his previous minutes with her, but he knew her father wouldn't be happy to see him here. Before he #parted ways with her, he snatched a kiss and would carry it with him until next time. #vss365

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