''.Chapter 1.''

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  Kaleb laid upside down, his head hanging off of his bed. He felt his chest and sighed, removing his shirt and his binder. "Maybe this whole boy thing isn't right after all. It hurts so much." He groaned and threw the binder on his floor. He leaned upwards and put his hoodie on, getting off the bed. "Mom! Where's the mac 'n cheese?"

Sara cleaned up her room, picking up loose trash and throwing it in the garbage. "Score!" She laughed as the trash hit the bin. She placed her laundry in her drawers and walked out of her room, closing her door shut behind her. "Hey, dad! I'm going out for a walk with Lexi and Angie!" She slipped on her high-tops and ran out the door. 


  Kaleb sat at the table, picking at his mac 'n cheese. "This tastes better when Kasey makes it." He grumbled. His mother, Daniella, shot him a look. 

"You appreciate the food I make. Kasey isn't here anymore, she's in college. She can't come around just to make you some food and then leave. She's all the way in Marietta anyways." Daniella growled, leaving the kitchen. Kaleb, feeling guilty, lost his appetite. He went outside and threw the bowl of mac 'n cheese over the fence, walking back inside and washing his plate. His eyes started to swell up with tears as he thought about his sister, Kasey.

"Wish she didn't have to go to stupid college. Isabella already left the country, and now I'm stuck here. Alone." He pushed his hair out of his face and walked to his bedroom, closing the door and looking around. "Crap. It's dirty in here. I'd better clean before I leave to hang out with Kantrell." Kantrell was his best friend. She had always been by his side, ever since 6th grade at least. Most of his friends were drifting away, so Kantrell was all he had left. 

A few hours later, Kaleb was out with Kantrell and her mom. "Thanks again, Ms. G!" Kaleb smiled, laying his head on Kantrell's shoulder. 

Kantrell laughed, tapping his nose. "Somethin' up? You seemed more eager to hang out with me than usual."

"Wuh? No, I'm great. I just missed you. It's been a longer break than usual for me." He sighed. Kantrell looked at him, her eyes full of concern. 

"I know what you mean. School starts soon though, so don't worry. Maybe it'll start getting a little warmer in the classrooms." She shivered.

Kaleb laughed. "You wish! Creel won't ever let that happen! He lives in an iceberg, man! I'm tellin' ya, Newman's class is way better." 

"Whatttteveerr!" Kantrell pushed his head off her shoulders. "Aw man. We're here." She tapped the window, showing him his house. He bit back his lip.

"Yep.. I'll text you later, K." He grabbed his wallet and hugged Kantrell, saying goodbye to her mom and walking to his front door. He unlocked the door and walked inside, kicking off his shoes. "I know this is home, but it doesn't feel like it.." He walked to his room, closing the door and locking it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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