Step 16: Backup Plans

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Apparently the secret room and padlocks still weren't enough to protect this book and my jams from the hands of Jimin—me and my editor had to change all of the padlocks, which took a while, and then Jimin proceeded to break my computer in a jamless rage. That meant that I couldn't write on this book for a while, but fortunately we got a new one and everything is back to normal.

With that said, always have a backup plan for jam protection. Even the sturdiest and stealthiest of rooms can still be unlocked by Jimin, so have some money stored away if you need to buy more locks or something, and keep a secret list of backup passcodes.

By now, if you're not Jimin, and you've followed the steps, chances are you've got some jams already. The next steps will teach you how to increase the collection, but lately I've realized the dire importance of protecting the jams you've earned from the thieving hands of Jimin, who still will never get jams.

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