Plan B

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Izumi crooned over her baby boy, eyes sparkling with love, heart beating so hard and fast she felt it would just pop out of her chest. She'd only known her baby for a few days and she already loved him to the point she couldn't stop looking at him.

"Damn it Usagi," Bakugo came into the room and scowled at her. "Put him down, if he gets too used to you holding him he'll never sleep in his crib." He scolded her and plucked Izuku out of her arms, ignoring her pout. He gently laid the baby down in his crib, and because he could already see the boy's face scrunching up in protest, grabbed a stuffed bunny from a pile of animals and held it out for him. His son's smile spread wide and his arms and legs bounced around before grabbing the stuffed animal and cuddling with it. He admired it's softness and bright colors with the wide curious eyes of a newborn.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan..." Izumi wiggled in place trying to hold in the squeal of delight. "I just can't help it. He's so cute and tiny!" She crooned again, little hearts dancing around her head as she poked her head around the side of the crib.

"Tch," Bakugo leaned on the railing of the crib down at his son. "You see what you've done, Deku? You've turned the world's greatest heroine into a gooey mushy puddle."

"Kacchan, stop calling him Deku! That's no way to treat our son!" Izumi put her hands on her hips pouting at her husband.

"Round face says Deku sounds like a cool hero name." Bakugo smirked. Izumi blinked in surprise and then let out a sweet laugh.

"Deku it is."

"Huh?!" Bakugo's confident expression suddenly changed into one of annoyance. "You're giving in that easily just because Round Face said-"

She kissed him quick on the lips to silence him.

"We'll see which name he lives up to." She giggled at his gawked expression. "If he turns out like you I'll call him Deku all day long."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bakugo's brow twitched in irritation, but Izumi just gave him a warm smile and proceeded to fold baby clothes into a drawer.

He let it go and contented himself to watch his wife hum happily to herself. She seemed so distant from the horrors that hovered around them. He wondered if it was her putting on a brave face, or if she just forgot what was lingering around in the dark.

His gaze drifted down to his son, and he indulged himself by reaching down and letting Izuku grab hold of his finger. The tiny fist curled over his digit with surprising strength, and made Bakugo smile.

'Gonna be just like your mom, aren't yah kid?' He thought with a look of pure affection and love. 'Strong and sweet... and annoying.' He added when he heard the click of a camera shutter. His head jerked up to see Izumi with her phone out snapping photos like crazy. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes lit with pure delight.

"Soooo cute!"

"Damn it, Usagi! I said no more pictures! Give me that!" Bakugo made a grab for the phone but Izumi leapt out of the way. She bolted for the door and giggled scrambling out with Bakugo in hot pursuit. He paused only a second, remembering the baby and quickly grabbed one of the two way monitors before racing after her. "USAGI!!!"

She was already texting images to her mother and had sent the first one before he caught her and snagged her around the waist. He finally grabbed the phone and went blue faced at the sent message screen.

"Too late, Kacchan, I already sent it!" She grinned at him and squeaked when he tossed her on the bed and the phone on the floor.

"You're gonna pay for that Usagi." He cracked his knuckles, his face going dark and demented. Izumi started to sweat bullets.

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