Chapter One: The Beginning

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I crouched down low hoping to shield myself from the blinding search light that the Chitari was using to find us. I motioned for Rob to get down low and wait for my signal to run. Rob and I are partners in crime as some would say, were the two main assassin/marines in the rebellion against our 'ruler' Loki Laufeyson who had come to our world a year earlier with the Chitari and they were able to take out the Avengers. Loki had put them under this mind control thing with his stupid glow stick. Our mission was to take out Tony Stark, he would be able to help us put an end to Loki's pathetic rule. I hated Loki, he was the reason my father was dead. Agent Phil Coulson was my dad, he had died in action. He was my only family so when Loki was ruler of the earth I instantly formed a rebellion hoping to take Loki down. Loki set up his fortress at the remains of Stark Tower. Rob and I were near the entrance waiting for the perfect timing.

When the Chitari had passed I waved my hand at Rob and we charged in, I kicked a Chitari down and punched him hard making him fall, I sent another flying into the wall with a kick in it's stomach. All the anger about my Dad coming out with every forceful punch, I saved a small amount for Loki though. When the hall was empty I heard Rob smirk,

"Wow, you really are pissed." he said, I grinned.

"Yes I am. We only have a few minuets to find Stark before more of those bastards come." I said, Rob smiled and we ran down the halls to a door to Loki's throne room. The Avengers protected Loki from harm, if we were lucky we would get Tony, but I'd settle on any of the others. I hesitated as my fingers settled on the cool metal of the handle. I looked at Rob, I needed to tell him. There was a chance we would be killed,

"If we don't make it out I want you to know that I-" he cut me off with a kiss, how he knew was beyond me. I did love Rob he was like my unofficial boyfriend. We pulled away and I smiled,

"We'll finish that later." he winked at me. My heart leaped, I pushed it down and opened the door and burst into the empty throne room. I looked around, no one. I looked at Rob,

"Do you think they knew?" I asked, he shrugged. What happened next was a nightmare. I felt a bone crushing grip on my arms and I was turned to look into the hard face of Loki's brother Thor. His eyes were blue and bloodshot. I struggled against the strong grip, I cursed myself for not knowing that this would be an ambush. I looked for Rob and saw him Loki stood over him with the Scepter at his heart.

"Please don't." I almost begged, Rob was the only type of family I had left not to mention my crush. Loki looked back and fourth between us,

"Ah, love's abrasion. How unfortunate this must be, but you must learn to kneel, dear." Loki said before driving his Scepter into my loves heart.

"NO!" I yelled, I struggled even more trying to break through the crushing grip Thor had on me. Loki looked at me with anger filled eyes as I watched Rob die.

"Did you think, a mortal such as yourself could just waltz into my chambers and take one of my dear companions." he sneered, in the back of my mind I wondered how he knew my intentions. I looked at Rob lying on the ground bleeding almost lifeless, I wouldn't let Loki see me cry, I would not show my weak side to him. He had taken my father from me and now Rob. My nostrils flared and I narrowed my eyes deeply,

"You bastard!" I snapped, he was face to face with me now. He pulled his hand back and smacked me across the face, my cheek stung with heat and I looked at him more harshly. He just smiled,

"You will learn to respect me." He said, I shook my head and spit in his face,

"Never." I growled. He wiped my spit off his face and glared at me harshly. He then looked at Agent Natasha Romanov.

"Take this miscreant to my chambers. Make sure she's cleaned and dressed for my arrival." he said before turning to me, "You will learn to kneel." he whispered angrily, I felt a shiver travel down my spine but I still glared coldly at him.

Thor released me into the hands of Agent Romanov, she grabbed my neck and practically dragged me down a long hallway through the stairs and into a large room. The room was decorated with green and gold like Loki's robes, the closet was built into the wall next to a window that overlooked the ruined city. The bed was a giant kingsized bed with green and golden pillows with blankets to match. The drapes that covered the bed were thin black see-through drapes. I saw a closed door which I assumed was the bathroom. Agent Romanov pushed me down,

"Stay here." she said firmly. I jumped to my feet and made a dash toward the window hoping that I would make it. All my hope was in vain because Agent Romanov hit me on the back of the head and dragged me back,

"Let me go Bitch!" I yelled, she kicked me.

"Stay here or next time it will be worse." she said harshly as she opened the closed door. It really was a bathroom. She got water running and put liquid inside, she then came to me and pulled me to my feet.

"You have one hour to get washed up and pretty. I'll have your outfit on the bed when you come out." she said as she shoved me into the bathroom and closed the door. My fist came hard against the door.

"Let me out!" I yelled. It took me ten minutes to get into the bathtub. I was thinking about everything that might happen. If he raped me which I was sure was about to happen, what would the others do without me and Rob. Rob. I let silent tears fall and mourned over my love. I thought about drowning myself, to let all the pain die with me. I didn't want to live if Rob wasn't here. I thought better of suicide because I needed to avenge my father and Rob. I washed up and shaved my legs and arms, it felt so great to wash up despite the depression I was feeling. I wrapped myself in a towel and traveled out of the bathroom feeling the cold winds sting on my bare wet skin. I looked out the window at the destroyed city, fire lit the sky with smoke. I looked away from the horrible sight. I looked at the bed and saw a short dress and undergarments. So he was planning to rape me. I let another tear escape as I slipped the decorated Lacey under ware and bra on. I pulled the black short silky dress over them and sat by the window pulling my knees to my chest and waiting for what was to come.


Authors Note:

Hey guys, I know it's super short but the next one shall be longer. Vote, Fan, and Comment because I am new to Wattpad :) thanks guys P.S: if you fan me I'll fan you back!


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