Rain to Resurrect

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****AUTHORS NOTE: This was just a writing piece I did for a project in science. Expect more in the future as I have much better writing than this. I also didn't try that hard I shall see the feedback this gets. Please comment, vote, and anything else you want! This is all originally mine and for more fine lines look at my bio. Thank you for reading this, my first wattpad story.****

Swirling in the depths of an accumulation I was. I could look down below me to see the concave mass I would soon join. At that moment though, I was condensed in a hot crowd; too hot actually. My form then, gradually contorted from the freeness of air that I held, to wetness. Before, I had maintained an imbalance, as if pieces of me were scattered and spreading outward. The new instant is a different case, with my mind more at peace with itself. Then I fell.

Tumbling toward, I throttled down. My sides curling and touching shafts of coolness that guided me. It was me against gravity and I knew who the winner would be, just not if I would survive without falter. It felt as if this period was infinite due to the suspense, even though I knew the trip would be only momentary because of the logic that I had perceived. Foot after foot, I came closer to what seemed to be a puddle compared to the vastness of the raging ocean, what would soon be my new residency. I heard the tapping and plops of others repeatedly, until I became a part of the pattern. I joined with a plunk, causing a cascade of others to rise above me as I dipped downward only to rebound to become level. The adrenaline and activity of my particles began to settle with a sensation that caused me to shiver. After nestling in, the most sensible thing to do, would be to watch the whole ordeal and I did. I stared at the gray mess and rubble becoming droplets filled with hope as some failed where I had succeeded. As I watched for hours, the occurrence never ceased to amaze me. Eventually, the tempest faded to signify the hard times ahead and I wasn't ready, but now I knew that I was part of a whole that was bigger than myself.

The days of April grew longer and haughtier as spring faded into summer. With each day's conditions growing more difficult, many others like me evaporated in the blazing heat that boiled the surface of the pond. I, on the other hand, was extremely lucky, to find a spot residing in the middle of the water's mass. Here I was safe or so I had thought. Hope was drifting for wise reason, yet I held on; for so long I did. Until one day I began to rise and was too weak and weary to resist. My temperature rose greatly at ravenous speeds till I was on the edge of the oblivion of letting myself go, yet nightfall was my utter savior. my mind in chaos, I had to ponder of what had almost been committed. Two sides rattled and moaned in my head. I thought of the freedom of being just a wisp, the relief that it would cause me, and the fact that it was such a transfixing process. This sounded perfect except for the other point also being so prominent. It had praised the feeling of community, grounding, and predictability, even though that idea was already compromised. I let my emotions, insight, and morals brood in my head till morn when I had met a suitable decision.

I am taking a deep inhale without the need to expel. I became looser, lighter, and limp, but in the best of ways. I am outspread again and the feeling overcomes me. Slowly drifting towards vast blues, it as if I am everything all at once. Knocking into the company of others, I knew at this moment that I would travel far in the heat of the days to come. This becomes true till I reach the point where I am now.

At this very moment I am content and am willing to stay so for quite a while. With these thoughts, I also know that in the future I shall wish otherwise and seek out a place to fall as I have done many times. It is now apparent to me, that there was something alternative about this segment of the rotation. This was that it became known to me that disenthrallment and giving up are not the same. I have to let go sometimes, to enable myself to truly have an existence. All the weight I had felt from being guilty of freeing myself from the stable water mass existence fled from me for there should be no guilt felt here. Forevermore, I shall no longer fret of the risks I take for enlightenment because I know that they are necessary, with this I also won't give up for they are extremely differentiated things.

Rain to ResurrectWhere stories live. Discover now