Laundry Room

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It wasn't a secret that I basically lived at my best friend house.

' Addy, where's my jeans at? ' I ask while rummaging through the pile of clothes that was mine on the floor of her bedroom.

' Oh down stairs in the dryer. I wore them last week. ' she says not looking up from her phone.

I get up and go downstairs to the laundry room. The door opens and close from behind me.

' If your looking for your clothes there folded and in the living room. ' hayes says.

' Well who folded them? ' I ask walking up to me.

' Me ' he said looking down at me

' Well thank you ' I say as I head to open the door.

' That's all I get for folding your closing? ' he questions

' Well what do you want? ' I ask

' You ' he says his voice deeper than before.

I have know idea what to say. He walks closer to me and eventually I'm against the door. He reaches by my side and locks the door.

' What are you doing? ' he's never been this close or this way towards me before.

' I want you ' he says

' What does that mean? ' I ask

' I want to taste you, kiss every inch of you, make you scream my name, and god so much more. ' he whispers in my ear. 

I was speechless. He looked me in the eyes and his eyes were a dark blue. I bit my lip and pulled him closer to me by his shirt.

Our lips met and the next thing we both know our shirt are off and he's picking me up and setting me into on the washing machine.

He rubs my thighs as we make out. I run my hands through his soft hair.

His hands begin to roam my body as i pull him even closer so our pelvises our touching.

He begins to kiss and bite on my neck leaving marks when the door knob rattles.

We quickly separate from one another. I find a shirt and throw it on.

Hayes walks over quickly and unlocks and opens the door. I open the dryer and begin looking through the warm clothes. Acting as if what just happened didn't happen.

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