
16 2 0

By the year 2043, the US government came to a realization that the country, or the world in total, was starting to become overpopulated. They weren't too concerned about it, but they did do the statistics to come to find that by the year 2068, they would have to have a plan on how to cool down the population. They had many conferences throughout the years with many different countries to try and figure out what to do about the overpopulation. They came up with many different ideas, but none of them seemed to be effective through tests with small groups or towns. They were running out of time. Cities were becoming overcrowded and there was almost no room for anyone to live, food resources were running low. Water was starting to disappear, the world now covered by only 64%.
Many years passed as the governments of the world continue to test what may work and what may not. Soon, by the year 2068, almost right on time, they finally found an effective way to either slow down the population, or rid of it. It was a cruel way, but it would be a way of finding the strongest and smartest of the world that would be able to make it through their life. It would only last a week, that's all. Some may go insane. Some may not even survive the few challenges that there would be to go through.
When your 16th birthday came to be, your parents would have to make The Appointment to a very specific government facility. It couldn't be more then 2 weeks after your birthday. When you went in, you would be taken to a room alone. Your parents wouldn't be able to come back with you or tell you what would be happening, they would remain silent about everything. But the appointment was more of basic surgery. You would enter a sterile room, with a table and be told to lay down on your stomach. An oxygen like mask would be placed on your face, and you would be told to count to 10 like any simple surgery. Once you were asleep, the procedure would begin.
Once you awaken, you would come to find yourself in a blank white room, with only the bed you were laying in, along with your monitors and your IV. No one would be in the room, but you would usually have a headache from the back of your neck, or more deep inside your head. It felt also uncomfortable to be laying on your back, which would explain why you were still on your stomach. A doctor would walk in and check your vitals before explaining why you were so sore in that area. An implant for your brain had been put in. Apparently it was to examine your brain and signals, how it works. It would scan your temporal lobe, your chemistry and how you function. It would view your dreams, memories, fears. Everything and anything.
You got to miss school for a week, and your parents would be told to keep an eye on you, especially for any form of swelling around your stitches. You constantly felt like someone was watching you, even after you started going back to school. When you were alone in a room or anything. Where the implant was set, whenever your heart rate increased or your fear hormones were released, it would seem to slightly buzz. But over the two years... you would adjust. Soon, it wasn't even noticeable it was there anymore.

The Test is about to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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