17-Mama Keith

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I live! Apologies for the way-longer-than-expected hiatus. Long story short—NaNoWriMo + college applications/scholarship essays = major stress and extreme writer's burn-out. Seriously, I had to modify my NaNo goal so many times, and even then, I barely made it. So I ended up taking December to recharge and write some stuff in the background. I'm really sorry I was gone so long without any explanation, but I think I'm getting back up to par. If you guys will hang on a little bit longer while I get my writing schedule sorted out, that would help out so much!

Also, while I was gone, we got to 1.8K reads in this book! I already rambled on about this on my message board, but it's honestly amazing to me to see so many people reading what I put out. Thank you, guys!

Here's a nice, long oneshot to celebrate me getting part of my life back together. I'm trying something new with my editing process, so forgive me if things seem off or different from normal. I actually listened to almost all of Grammarly's editing suggestions (despite the fact that it took forever and a half to comb through), so let's see how this goes.

TRIGGER WARNING: Extreme child abuse/neglect, really unsanitary living conditions, lil' bit of vomiting, in case that upsets you, and higher-than-average (for me, at least) swearing.

Also, for the point-two seconds that it actually matters, in my mind, the Galra language felt like it should be based on German (doubt that's actually the case, though). However, I'm a four-year Latin student, and I'm not about to touch any actual German with a twenty-foot pole. Instead, "Nein" is No, "Mutter" is Mother, and any other German/Galran spoken is written as a translation in "italicized quotes." Again, it doesn't last very long, so you can probably figure it out anyway.

Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for...


Keith always believed that the idea of having kids would forever be ruined for him.

For one, he was about as straight as a rainbow, so he wasn't going to have a biological kid any time soon. The thought of ever having to do anything with a woman, even if she was just a willing host for the baby, made him shudder. Not that there was anything wrong with it—it's a perfectly viable option—but it simply wasn't for him.

He never really thought about adopting, either—though, in his defense, he was a teenager in the middle of an intergalactic war. Typically, Keith liked the quiet, peaceful existence he had when he was alone. The thought of sharing it with a loud, screaming child that he had to somehow raise into a decent human being was one that he just rather not think about.

At least, that's what he told himself.

His aversion to kids totally wasn't because of his own childhood, spent bouncing from foster home to foster home, getting lost between unwanted, unloved kids like himself. Nor was it because of his fear of being a horrible role model for them. That, because of his own childhood, he would be incapable of providing any other outcome for his kids other than the sad, lonely one that he went through.

Then there was the mission where he was hit by a nasty bit of Druid magic that forced his Galra features to come to the surface. His pale skin changed into soft, purple fur, and his eyes glowed a shimmering yellow. It encased his entire eye and replaced his normal pupil with a cat-like slit the color of his former violet iris. He grew a pair of extremely sharp fangs that he kept shredding his lip with and huge, cat-like ears that were way more expressive than he was comfortable with. But it wasn't like his new appearance as one of the most feared and hated beings in the universe solidified any of the anxieties he may or may not have had regarding raising a child of his own, right?

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