California's warm welcome

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Finally after hours of preparations she managed to finish preparing the suitcases "Alex, Arianna move! there are your friends"

she heard my mother screaming from the kitchen, as long as Rose had arrived with her boyfriend Mario, the two had been together for quite some time and were now inseparable , I met them thanks to my work as an animator, in a training camp for the boys who wanted to go abroad, we immediately made friends and when it was to decide the location we put the same place, later discovered that Rose already knew mine cousin Arianna, grateful for their passion for graphics and animations, she also came because she loved to travel and get to know new places.

We were in danger of being late so we quickly waved to all the relatives and ran to Mario's car:

" Girls give me your luggage and get in the car"

with a little effort we had managed to get everything in and we left, I put on my beloved headphones and I started to think , I was going out of Italy for 5 months away from everything and from everyone, friends, relatives, it seemed crazy at only 18 years old but I had to grasp my opportunity, in life I had not so many victories but so many defeats, problems and whatnot, but now I was ready to recover me all.

The car stopped in front of the huge airport and we walked towards it,

"Guys I can't believe it, it's really going to happen!"

Rose turned with bright eyes,

"The dream of a lifetime is about to come true!"

I couldn't realize what was going to happen.

We spent some time talking in the waiting room where we waited for the flight, after various customs checks we were boarded without too much trouble, I was excited because I had never taken a plane, I put myself on the side of the window while the rest of the group, I took a few pictures of the cities from above, but fatigue got the better of it so most of the journey slept.

I could hear my shoulder shaking

"Come on Alex, wake up we arrived"

I looked at me and saw in front of me the fuzzy figure of Arianna

"Yes now I got up"

I slowly settled my things and finally went down, I saw all the suitcases come down except mine when suddenly an identical one appears, black with the gold padlock, when I grabbed it but apparently that was not my property then a guy came up: tall, quite thin but with quite a bit of muscle mass, black hair that could be seen from the hat, his face was entirely covered with a pair of dark glasses and a mask, he pulled my luggage out of my hand and without saying anything walked away,

"Did you see that boy? How rude!"

I pointed to him shaking my head, finally saw my suitcase come down officially, I grabbed the latter,"My lil baby!!"embracing and stroking it until I felt my arm being pulled

"Alex move!"

Arianna dragged me to the taxi that would take us to our hotel, the stretch was short, and we paid even a little,when we had arrived in front of it we found a huge and imposing structure, inside could accommodate the whole city, it was a pity that it was all booked, out of it had several pools, a huge garden from there you could get directly to the beach, we entered the vast lobby where waiting, there were various stations to be able to pick up the key, we decided to split up in order to improve the times, Arianna and I headed to the only one where there was no one in line

"Sorry I'm Alex Moretti and she's Arianna Rosa, can you tell us which room we have been assigned?"

We placed our identity card on the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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