New Crew

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POV Muselk, P.S. the POV is only gonna be the leader of the crew's for now.

I woke up as usual at 9:00 in the morning. As expected Lannan and Tannar were already here cause we needed to film a new video. Today we are going to film a new reading comments video except this time on some of click's video's not our own. Shortly after I came down and greeted the two Lufu, Bazz, and Cray came down. After we all ate breakfast together, we got ready to get roasted by our viewers and to answer their weird questions. We all sat down on the couch and started filming, I said my famous greeting, "WHAT'S GOING ON GUYS AND WELCOME BACK TO THE CHANNEL AND TODAY WE ARE GOING TO BE READING YOUR COMMENTS!" And so it begun. Kath started us off by reading the first one, "Do a collab video with Caustic." Confused as to who Caustic were we continued with Cray also reading a similar comment saying, "Do a vid with Caustic." We ignored that comment again. But as we continued we saw a reoccurring pattern in the comments everyone one or every other one was about Caustic. After a while it got sooooo boring that I broke. I signaled Grace to stop the recording, grabbed the Ipad, and just finally searched up what Caustic was. I clicked[Unintentional pun] on their channel, apparently they started as the same time as Click and have 1.2 million subs. After looking at some of their content I saw that they did the same things as Click, the same types of challenges, contests,  and games. The only difference is that they don't like in Sydney, or they would be literally just like us. And Thank God For That!

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