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Jeongin jumped up instantly and faced Felix.
" Felix-hyung! Did you know that Y/n has an amazing voice?! She's so talented! "
Felix was still glaring at him but now he transferred his glare to me.
I felt shivers, I had never been so scared of him before.
" We're leaving. " he said.
" Oh ok! Y/n, did you walk here? Come on, I'll walk you home! "
Jeongin's personality was completely different from just a minute ago. He was acting cute and innocent?
He grabbed my hand and tried to walk past Felix but Felix grabbed my other hand.
" That's ok, I can walk her, I have something I need to talk to her about anyway. "
Jeongin looked at him and then at me, he hesitated and let go of my hand.
" Ok, see you tomorrow Y/n! You should still come to our dance practices, and I can also show you around the dorm, I'm sure the guys won't mind, right Felix? "
" Yeah...sure "
" Great! "
He gave me a long deep hug that was very personal and made Felix even more annoyed.
" Let's go. " He pulled me away from the hug and we went to say bye to the rest of the guys.
I ended up promising them to go to their dance practices and at some point visit their dorm.

Felix and I started walking back, he had his hands in his pockets and was walking at least a foot away from me. It was silent for a while.
I kept walking until I realized he had stopped.
I turned around and felt his arms wrap around me in a tight hug. I had no idea what was going on but I knew that I was flustered.
I returned the hug and we stood there for what seemed like ages.
" Y/n " he mumbled into my shoulder.
" Hm? "
" Let's date "
" ...What?... " I thought I had misheard.
He broke the hug.
" Be my girlfriend. "
I opened my mouth and closed it again, searching his eyes for any trace of mockery.
I had never had a boyfriend before and the Felix Lee was offering to be my first?!
" Do you not like me? " he asked quietly.
" NO! No I like you so much! It's just this is so sudden... "
He smiled and cupped my face in his hand.
" I know, I'm sorry. I was planning on taking things slow but I realized that I'm not that patient. " He looked away. " Also, I hated the way other guys flirted with you and I wasn't planning to take any chances. "
I giggled. " Lee Felix, you're surprisingly insecure. "
He looked at me surprised, " Wh-What?! No I'm secure! I'm really secure! I'm so damn hot, um, have you seen me? My visuals are insane! " He gave me a smoldering look and I blushed.

 "He looked at me surprised, " Wh-What?! No I'm secure! I'm really secure! I'm so damn hot, um, have you seen me? My visuals are insane! " He gave me a smoldering look and I blushed

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" Yes, yes they are. "
He smiled, reassured.
" By the way, that's my hoodie. "
I looked down, then smiled at him mischievously.
" I'm keeping it " I said and sprinted.
" Hey! " I heard him call out and he darted after me laughing.

" Hey! " I heard him call out and he darted after me laughing

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We made it back to the hotel dying of laughter but at least I was successful in keeping the hoodie.
We were holding hands and I looked down.
" I need to go. "
He looked at our hands, then at me, and gave me puppy eyes.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
" I'll see you tomorrow at dance practice, forgot? "
He sighed and hesitantly let go.
" You go first " I told him.
" No you go "
" No you "
" Go inside! "
I smiled. " Fine, good night. "

Felix POV
She turned to go and without thinking, I quickly ran up behind her, turned her around and kissed her forehead.
She looked at me shocked but I just smiled and ran off waving.
Today was one of the best days of my life:)

Today was one of the best days of my life:)

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A/N: yay it's starting;)
p.s. sorry for short chapter lol

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