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A/N: I have seen way too many incomplete stories where characters from Alex Rider read the books. So I decided to have a go myself, allowing myself 2 weeks at most (most probably 1 or less) to update this story and my aim is to get to never say die without stopping. If I have to stop I will give a warning to anyone who is reading this and will probably give the next date.
This story will also be posted on in case I forget to update, just spam me and I'll do my best. Thanks to whoever reads this story (If on please review)!!!


When John and Helen Rider were boarding the plane to Marseille, France when John thought he heard a small buzzing noise. He dismissed it initially but after the plane had taken off, he decided to investigate.

After a brief 20 minute search he found nothing, so as he was about to sit down, the plane lurched to one side, as the pilot spoke hurriedly into the sonic,

"Don't panic, that was only turbulence. Also we should be reaching Marseille in 1 hour now. Is there any problems Helen or John?"

Helen replies with a short "no" as she still wasn't happy with the whole world of MI6. However John didn't hear any of this. His disbelieving gaze fell upon a small box hidden behind a gift given to them by ASH (Anthony Sean Howell). He bumped into the gift as the plane lurched to the side. Inside that box was a bomb wrapped in see-through plastic. Immediately John turned to Helen.
  "We need to jump immediately!"exclaimed John, to which Helen sat up quickly, hearing the urgency in his voice. John yelled at the pilot to abandon the plane and jump, which confused the pilot to no end but he did as he was told and grabbed his parachute. He had no choice, John Rider was a much higher ranking agent. Meanwhile, John prepared to parachute out the plane, while Helen sat frightfully, praying and waiting for him to finish. John had prepared the packs fully before turning to Helen and assuring her that she is safe. He then applies her pack, before turning to his. The pilot salutes him as says "Good luck, John. And you too Helen." He then jumped out of the plane.

Ash was staring at the plane as it departed the airport. He felt so guilty by betraying his best friend's trust but knew what he had to do to become partners with SCORPIA. He had just finished playing with Alex before he made his excuse and departed. Now he was staring at the button which had been ready to detonate for the past hour. He was seriously worried about what he was doing, not only for the consequences if he was caught, but for killing and betraying his one best friend that he'd ever had. After another 10 minutes, his phone started to ring. He frowned at it thinking about who would bother to call him. His frown deepened when he realized who was calling. Dreading the call but knowing that he couldn't avoid it, he slowly picked up the phone. From the phone came an immediate flurry of voices before one strong feminine voice silenced them all.
"Ash," She said "Why aren't the Riders dead yet? You do know that if you wait any longer than it will happen too late."
  "Calm down Julia," Ash said in a quiet voice. "I will complete the task as soon as you hang up the phone."
  "No," came the short, snappy voice of an angry Julia Rothman. "You will do it now while we are listening on the phone. Otherwise you're dead Ash." Ash couldn't help but shiver at the cold intensity of the words.
  "Ok" he says simply. "Here it is." After a moment's hesitation, he brought the button close to the phone before pressing it, causing an explosion hundreds of miles away.

Ian's life wasn't going the greatest at this point. As in he'd just been shot at by the famous Yassen Gregorovitch who almost killed him, if not for the amazing inventions of Smithers. The invention was a small chip, which magnetically drew the bullet away from his vital organs. He had gone to emergency surgery where he had barely survived but he pulled through. However, he was not debriefed normally, as he saw Smithers sneak into the room using his gadgets that were basically too good to be true. Smithers wasn't very happy when he entered, and shot Ian a worried look. He went on in a hurried tone,"Ian, your in danger. Blunt wants to send you back in. I have a safe house which is off the grid and it will be completely safe for you. Ok, old chap?" Ian watched this in stunned silence but before he could protest, Smithers gave him an apologetic glance and then injected him with a drug.
When Ian woke up, he realized that he was lying down on concrete. He got up and realised he was lying outside a small wooden cottage in the middle of a dense forest. If he wasn't directly in front of it, then he may have missed it. However as he took a step toward it, he saw a shadow move in his peripheral vision.
Silently, he drew his gun and crept towards the cottage. He reached the front door and looked for a lock before realising that it was finger-print sensitive and smacked himself on the head. Still being completely silent, he opened the door and pointed his gun to the entrance.
There in the doorway was a man he thought was dead pointing a gun straight at him. Ian dropped his gun with a clatter and whispered a quiet "...John?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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