30 Years Gone

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When I woke up, my nose was throbbing, and I was dressed in a hospital gown, laying on a cot in a white hospital room.
"Doctor, she's awake." A soft feminine voice breezed into my ears as I tried to focus on the man that had just walked into the room.
"You've been gone for quite some time, dear. I have a million questions, but let's start with how have you remained so young looking?" He asked as I finally focused my eyes on the eye candy in front of me. He was breathtakingly handsome, in his own way, not like how Peter was.
"Huh?" I asked, showing off my intelligence.
"You have been missing for over 30 years. You should be 48 right now, but you look exactly like you did when you went missing. It's honestly remarkable." He said as I paled.
"It's been 30 years?" I squeaked.
"How long did you think it had been?" He asked.
"12, maybe 13 years at the most? Time moved so fast here... the year is 2049?" I shook as he nodded.
"Where did you go?" He asked.
"You wouldn't believe me." I sighed, trying to plan a way out.
"You were probably kidnapped, and for some reason, they let you go, 30 years later, at a park, with a broken nose and a deflated lung, that you almost died from." He said softly as I nodded. I knew I couldn't go anywhere if I was stuck in a mental hospital. I'd been there before, and they really don't let you go anywhere without supervision and nothing you could potentially hurt yourself with, so I went with the story that he came up with.
"When can I leave?" I asked.
"Not anytime soon, love." He said.
"Please don't call me that," I said. To be honest, I didn't know if I could go back home. I already missed everyone, especially Dad and Peter.
"Sorry, did the people there call you that?" He asked as I nodded and pulled my legs closer to my chest. I wasn't lying, but my reasoning wasn't in the terms that he thought or meant.
"I don't like being trapped; please let me go home," I said as I looked into his deep blue eyes.
"My shift is almost over; I can take you to your old house if you'd like?" He asked as I backed up. I wanted to go, but not with an older man that I didn't know. I'm not that stupid. Also, if I had gotten kidnapped, shouldn't this ass know that getting into a car with a stranger led me into that situation anyway? What an inconsiderate fuck. I thought as I shook my head no, and his face fell.
"That's what got me into that situation... why would I do it again with a different stranger? Do you really think I'm that stupid?" I asked as I willed my tears to sprung to my eyes.
"Sorry, dear, I kinda forgot about that... it's just that... well, you're so beautiful, and I was hoping that you'd go on a date with me?" He cringed, and so did I.
At first, I thought I had judged him too fast, maybe he was just being nice, but now, he really is an inconsiderate fuck.
"Please get out." I frowned at him as he looked taken aback at my words.
"What? I thought-." He started.
"And you thought wrong. Do you realize how inconsiderate you're being? I got kidnapped for 30 years, and now you're asking me on a date? What an inconsiderate fuck?" I barked at him as a woman in her 60s came in and scolded the doctor before he scrambled out of the room.
"So sorry, my dear. He's an entitled rich duche who thinks everyone wants him. Hi, I'm Lottie. How are you feeling after everything?" She asked.
"Tired and hungry... but thank you, and it's nice to meet you, Lottie; I'm Joanna," I said as she smiled.
"I can get you some food if you'd like?" She smiled sweetly at me.
"Yes, please." I nodded before she called for a younger nurse to get me some food, and it was quickly brought to me as I indulged in the delicious food. Before long, I was full and incredibly sleepy.
"Sleep tight, deary. I'll keep watch, and then tomorrow; I'll take you out into the world." She said as I nodded and quickly fell fast asleep, dreaming about what was going on back home.

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