Love yourself

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To the person reading this, loving yourself means having self-respect, self acceptance, taking care of yourself, and remembering that you are worthy of being treated the same way as everyone else, regardless of your race, gender, or sexual preference.

To the individuals working on a better future for themselves and their loved one's , LOVE YOURSELF, love yourself enough to continue working hard for a better future regardless of the negative things people say to you, love yourself enough to work harder every day, because you are worthy of a better lifestyle, you can do this!

To the girl that cries herself to sleep because people call her ugly, too dark, too white , too skinny,  too fat, weird, or too smart, LOVE YOURSELF, love yourself enough to remember  that it is our imperfections that make us BEAUTIFUL, it is our flaws and mistakes that make us who we are , you are beautiful, you are loved and appreciated, love yourself enough to look in the mirror everyday and be satisfied with how beautiful and unique you are!

To the individuals that stay in toxic relationships because they think that's love, NO! love is not being constantly beaten up, love is not being constantly cheated on, love is not being constanty insulted and treated with no respect, love is not being told to stay  even when it hurts mentally and physically, LOVE should make you feel happy, warm inside, and most of all LOVED . LOVE YOURSELF enough to walk away from that toxic relationship, love yourself enough to remember that you are worthy of being loved by someone, you are worthy of good love!

To the individuals that suffer from depression because of certain circumstances, it is going to be okay, LOVE YOURSELF, love yourself enough to smile, even when no one is around to make you smile, create your own sunshine, create your own source of happiness, talk to GOD whenever you are feeling down. Only YOU can decide on what side of the bed you wake up on, choose to wake up on the right side of the bed, practice happiness, because whatever you practice becomes a lifestyle and habit, practice positivity!

To the lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgenders, you are beautiful! You are unique and special! You deserve the same love and respect as everyone else! LOVE YOURSELF no matter what  people say or think about you, be proud of who you are !

Lastly but not least.

To the female and male that has been raped, you are going to be okay, things are going to be okay, you are loved and brave, talk about it, raise awareness so that it does not happen to anyone else, justice should be served, LOVE YOURSELF enough to keep going even if things aren't okay right now, keep healing everyday. Do not wait until it is you, your sister, your mother, your wife, your girlfriend your friend, your neighbor, your brother or anyone! Raise awareness and take a stand! Take a stand against abuse, rape and bullying.

Thank you to everyone that made it to the end of this message, LOVE YOURSELF ♥️

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