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'Ahh.....What? Iam confused, what         happened? why am I here? also why is
it so black, why can't I see anything?  Iam scared take me out! No I don't want to, please I hate the darkness take me out!'

Cry called out, but his pleas for help fell on death ears.

The pitiful soul was filled with utter confusion and fear, he was plagued with thoughts such as 'What If I'm stuck here?' that thought triggered his memories, those days of wondering ' what he would he eat today ' or ' if his bone was broken ' and sometimes' if he would even be alive tomorrow' 

'Yeah...being stuck here was better than being in that living hell.'

For the first time ever cry, cried.

He cried as if his life depended on it, washing away years' worth of sorrows; shedding the tears he never got to shed.

It didn't matter if another person stumbled across him crying. He wouldn't stop for anyone.

For the first time in his existence, cry felt like his name suited him


He cried for hours upon hours; the tears would not stop coming. Out of exhaustion he had fallen asleep, however halfway through his slumber, he was awoken by a bright light and when he woke up he was met with...a person?

"Thy, who lived a pitiful life shall choose thy ending. If you are to choose 'Complete erasure' thy shall cease to exist however if you are to choose 'Cycle of Reincarnation' you shall be reincarnated in a world of your choice ."

Though he was in a state of lethargy the pitiful soul understood what the person was saying, he thought for a while. Happiness, the one thing he always wished for; the one thing he thought he thought he would never obtain. The boy, seeing that he could live a happy life immediately, picked what he wanted

"Ok then I will....go with the second choice." the soul said determined

 "Are you certain?" The voice asked

“Definitely,”  said Cry

Hearing that, a bright light engulfed his vision. As the light faded, he became aware of his surroundings. Luscious ivy green grass filled his vision, it crunched under his feet; he then spotted a river and journeyed towards it, however as he tried to dip his feet in….he couldn't..it was like there was a barrier that was stopping him. Curious as ever, he placed his entire weight on the river. It didn't even budge.  'interesting….' thought Cry.

As the soul pondered upon what this place was, he heard yet another voice, it was childlike and seemed to come from right next to him.

The sudden sound startled Cry a little bit. "Who are you? Where is the voice coming from?." The soul blurted out "look! look! here I am." an enthusiastic voice came from the area around the soul but when the soul looked straight forward he saw nothing. "Hey, I am down here." the voice spoke eagerly.

The soul looked down as he was told and to his surprise was met with a white fluffy cat, the cat resembled a newborn kitten and was undoubtedly cute.

"Who are you?" The soul question with a tilted head.

"Well hello there Cry, it's a pleasure to meet you! I’m Fari! you must remember what the god told you right?" Fari said excitedly. He was like a child having a sugar rush, how cute. Cry chuckled at the thought.

“Oh..um nice to meet you too! I kind of remember what he told me, it was something about reincarnating in a world of my own choice?

"Well, yes that's why I am here. I will tell you all that you need to know.”

“ Really!”

“ Yep, Well first all you have to do is visualize what kind of world you want. I can make you any world you desire, you could have a world of magic and swords, or a world with advanced technology, a  peaceful world, or a world that is on the verge of destruction. Be it good or evil, it's all up to you!"

Cry started to think, he didn't know what to do. He didn't have any desires, any imagination or anything. He never had anything.

Fari saw Cry was struggling and then a thought crossed his mind "Oh right! if you can't decide the kind of world you want I can just dig up the memories of the world you lived in, and you can get some ideas from there"

Suddenly, years of forgotten memories flashed through Cry’s head, Ah, he had forgotten all about this, these were the memories he had lost after….his mother….drunk….she, she had

hit him over the head with a glass bottle when she came home drunk one day and he had forgotten everything.

In a particular memory there stood a girl,  a girl… Caroline! Cry was mad with himself, how could he forget his only friend? He remembered the way she read to him every day; the way she would care about him like no other; the way she was in love with those romance books, especially a certain one. She was absolutely in love with that book. Which was at that time very popular with girls, it was a typical clićhe romance and fantasy-themed novel but still managed to gain a lot of popularity. What was the name again? Everlasting... something-

Caroline seemed to have fallen in love with this book, she talked about it constantly and always raved on about how amazing the romantic scenes and how beautiful the story was. She had apparently read it 24 times although she had only read it for the first time a couple of months prior to the memory.

She had even let him read it once, Cry didn’t see anything special about the book. ‘It was just a book, how special could it be’ thought Cry.

Well, since Caroline loved it so much and it was the only book that he could remember. Cry thought that he might as well try his luck with this novel.

Remembering about Caroline the boy had a gentle smile on his face however his eyes held something else "So it seems to me that you have decided!" said the small kitten

The soul looked at the kitten happily "Yes I have, it's a world from a novel" what cry said caught the cat's interest. 

"oh! That seems interesting, tell me the novel's name." 

“Ahh, it was called everlasting…..everlasting...Oh yes! It was called Everlasting love!”

"Ok, I get it. Now you just have to wait, since you already have a basis for your world it won’t take that long to get your world created, bye!” said the small kitten as he disappeared the same way he had appeared, he was just gone.

And in the end, the poor soul was left there in utter confusion.


Have a nice day!

Imma just rot here......

[ E/n can I join you? ]

Edited by Miri_Mariana

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