Chapter 8

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Bakugos POV

'Deku beat me!?' I was screaming in my head when I heard a voice I recognized. "Hey Bakugo!" I looked over at the person talking. 'Henjin?' "What the hell do you want?" I said. 'She seems pretty happy earlier she looked as scared as Deku.' "Well I wanted to congratulate you on getting 3rd place." She said with a blank look on her face. "Tch Whatever." I said as I walked off. 'Why do I feel bad that I said that?' "Alright! The top 42 will continue to the next round! Which will be.....!" I looked over to the score bord next to Ms. Midnight. "Cavalry battle!!" 'This will be interesting.'

Akuma POV

'This will be interesting.' I thought. "You will have 15 minutes to get into teams and strategize!" Yelled Midnight. "Kai where are you?" I looked around for Kai. "Over here." I turned around. "Oh there-" "Hey your Toga and Midoriya right?" I looked over and saw a purple haired male. I was about to answer when I noticed a sinister look in his eyes. "Kai don't answer him I don't trust him." I whispered to Kai. She nodded. "Well there's no one else so do you want to be in my group?" He asked. Kai nodded. All of a sudden her eyes went white. 'What the hell?' "Well I'm not strong so I think I should be a horse and I think these two agree with me." He said and Kai and Aoyama who I didn't even know was there nodded. 'Must be his quirk.' I looked at the points that we had. 'Kai has 190 points I have 195 Aoyama has 5 and this guys has 80 so... that's 470 points.' "Alright everyone's aloud to fight until the end of the time limit! And remember only the top 4 advance to the finals!" I heard midnight say as me Kai Aoyama and the purple haired guy got into position. "Start!"

I ran ahead to the group with the kids from class 1-B. As we got closer I heard the purple haired kid ask the kids a question something about their class. As soon as they answered they froze. I ran ahead and the guy grabbed their headbands. I looked around. 'There's two class 1-B kids over there.' "Hey kid what's your name?" I asked the purple haired kid. "Hitoshi Shinso." He said. "Should we get those two class 1-B guys?" I asked him pointing to the group. "Sure I think all together they have 70 points." I nodded and ran towards them.  Their rider noticed and shot a blade out of his  arm.

They were fighting them

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They were fighting them.

Before Shinso could tell us to do anything I rose my arm up to get hit. The blade cut through my uniform and my arm. Using the blood I made lasso with a hook at the end. "Shinso you take care of the rider!" I yelled out. I threw the lasso and managed to grab her horns but as soon as I did her horn popped of. 'What the heck?' I pulled the lasso of of the horn and tried for the headband and I got it. "Yes!" I called out. Before she noticed I pulled the lasso and yanked the headband off her head. "Shinso I got it!" I yelled. He ordered us to leave before anyone noticed us here. "How many points do we have now?" Shinso asked. I thought for a moment. 'Hmmm counting the 70 we just got and the students from earlier that's....' "860!" I called out. "Good the rounds almost over." I heard Shinso say. I was about to say something when everyone got zapped by electricity. 'What the heck?! Wait it's cold now. TODOROKI!' I looked down at the floor. It was covered in ice. "Shoot." Said Shinso. "Wait Shinso!" I yelled out. I took the lasso I made with my blood and turned it into a bat. "I'll break the ice and with everyone else stuck in ice and with Todoroki most likely going after Midoriya we'll be fine." I said. He thought for a moment. "Alright hurry up though." As soon as he said that I swung the bat at the ice. "It looks like some of the students found a way to get out of Todorokis attack!" I heard Present Mic yell. As soon as we broke through we went after other students. We grabbed a bit more head bands before the time ran out.

"Alright the cavalry battle has ended let's see who made it into the finals!!" Shouted Present Mic. "In first place we have... Team Todoroki!" Said Present Mic. 'So they got the 10,000,000 points.' "In second place we have...Team Bakugo!" As soon as I heard Present Mic say that I knew Bakugo was mad. "And in Third place we have... Team Shinso? When did they come back from the dead?" When Present Mic said that Kaj walked next to me and asked. "What the heck happened." I chuckled. " Shinso has you under his control. But at least we made it into the finals." I said. She nodded. "And on fourth place... Team Midoriya!!" I was happy when present mic said that. "Hey Kai Midoriya made it." I said to Kai. "Yeah I'm sure auntie is crying her eyes out." She said. "I'm sure she is."

Midnight explained to us that the people who didn't make it would have special round that they could do and that we would be able to participate in them as well. Now we were drawing lots to see who we are up against. I walked up to Midnight and took a ticket from the box. 'Kai Midoriya' I told Midnight who I was up against and walked back to where Kai was waiting. "Who'd you get?" She asked. "You. I have to fight you."

After everyone drew lots they gave us a lunch break. Kai and I sat down at a table in silence until Kai said. "Hey Akuma did Tomura call you recently?" I looked up at her. "Yeah why?" I asked. "Well...we are going up against each other and he called me and told me to beat the crap out of you." I laughed. "Really? He said the same thing to me!" I said. "Well then we better do our best then." She said. "Let's agrée on one thing though." I said. "What is it?" She asked confused. "I won't use your blood and you won't use my shadow." I said hoping that she'll agree. "Sure that makes things fair." She said getting up. "Then may the best win." I said with a reall smile on my face.

The first round was Midoriya up against Shinso. "Hey Kai did you warn Midoriya about Shinso's quirk?" I asked Kai while we where in the stands. "Yeah." She said. I can tell she's worried. "Hey relax he'll be fine as long as he doesn't talk to him." I said trying to reassure her. "Yeah your right." She said. "Ok! Sports fans! Let's get started the first match is class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya vs class 1-C's Hitoshi Shinso!" I heard Present Mic say. "Ready go!" When Mic said that Shinso started talking to Midoriya. "Hey Toga that Shinso kid was on your team right?" Asked Ashido. "Yeah why?" I asked. "What's his quirk?" Asked Ashido. "If he asked you a question and you answer it he can control you." I said. "Really?" She asked with disbelief. "Yep andKai fell for it." "Shut up" yelled Kai. I looked back at the fight. They were still talking, Midoriya hasn't said anything though until Shinso said something about Kai. "That girl Kai Midoriya. Are you guys siblings or something? Damn she's an idiot even after her friend told her not to Talk to me she still answered my question and fell under my control. I bet we could've won with out her." When he said that Midoriya got angry, he tried to yell at Shinso but as soon as he did he fell under Shinso control.

"Dang it Midoriya." Whispered Kai. "Do me a favor and turn around and walk out of bounds." Said Shinso. Midoriya did as he was told. "Izuku come on snap out of it!" Yelled Kai. "There's no use K-" I started to say but I was interrupted by a big gust of wind. Midoriya turned around. "How did he..." I asked aloud. 'His fingers!!' I thought. His fingers are broken. Shinso tried to get Midoriya to talk again but he wouldn't say anything. Mr. Aizawa then explained how the entrance exam is unfair because if you don't have a flashy or strength based quirk it's almost impossible to pass. Soon Shinso was out of bounds. "How did he..." I slowly started to say. Long gone are the days where Midoriya was the weak little quirkless boy who needed to be protected. No those days are gone. He's strong  now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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