The mighty slayer

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It was a peaceful morning. One of those mornings, even the rosters were sleeping in late. Wallace just got up and thought that this will be a good day. His father already fed all the animals, he just needed to do his favorite chore, take the sheep to the pasture to stretch their legs.

Wallace got dressed, came down to the kitchen, took something he could eat on his way to the pasture and left towards the sheep pen. He called Stella, the sheepdog, to help him with getting the sheep out of the pen and towards the pasture. Stella was a good sheepdog, she was very obedient and smart. Wallace sometimes felt she was even smarter than he was. Together they rounded up the sheep and directed them towards the pasture.

On the way to the pasture, a small group of bandits jumped out from the bushes.

"Give us yer money!" One of the bandits said.

"I don't... I don't have money. I'm just... I'm just taking the sheep to the pasture." Wallace said with fear in his voice.

"Then give us what yer got!" The same bandit shouted at him.

"I don't have... I don't have anything." Wallace said turning his pockets inside out, panicking. The sandwich he took from the kitchen fell on the floor next to him. The bandit, not seeing clearly, what it was, started walking towards Wallace.

Wallace panicked bent down to pick up and show the bandit that what fell from his pocket was just a sandwich. He accidentally picked up a rock and as he stood up, to show the bandit that the sandwich wasn't worth anything, the rock flew out of his hand hitting a big rock on the wall next to the road, above the bandit. The big rock fell down on the bandit, killing him instantly and pulling a few more rocks with it, killing the other bandits.

Wallace just stood in the middle of the road, the sandwich still next to his feet, not believing what just happened. People who lived near, saw what Wallace did, came rushing towards him cheering his bravery. Shaking his hand and happily throwing him in the air, thanking him for saving them from the bandits who were giving them trouble for months.

From that day on, in his village Wallace was known as Wallace the bandit slayer.

People in the village started looking and behaving differently towards Wallace. He didn't like that, he was just a farmer's son, not a bandit slayer. Nobody believed him that it was all an accident, they all thought that he was just being modest. He decided to ignore their behavior. Everything that happened in the village was interesting for a time and as quickly as it got interesting, it was forgotten.

One evening Wallace was in the village tavern with his friend Harold. They were drinking beer and having a few laughs on account of the mighty Wallace the bandit slayer when a knight in black armor walked in.

Everyone in the tavern got really quiet because everyone knew who the black knights were and what they were capable of. The Malum kingdom, the southern kingdom was ruled by the evil king Lues the fourth. Their only goal was to expand the kingdom by any means necessary and that meant conquering any town, village or kingdom by brute force. The black knights were a group of elite knights that could single-handedly kill a hundred people in a fight.

Nobody in the tavern was staring at the black knight, but that doesn't mean they weren't looking at him. Everyone was just hoping that he was passing through. Wallace couldn't help himself and looked at the black knight. The knight looked back at him with a pretentious look on his face and Wallace quickly looked away. The knight stood up and walked over to the table where Wallace was sitting.

"You have a problem with me farm boy?" The knight said with a pretentious voice.

"No... No, sir. I don't." Wallace said with fear in his.

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