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Trixies POV

This morning  i made sure to look extra cute, can you guess why? Just kidding i can't wait to see Katya again but i don't know is she's going to be cool with me even if I'm not in hospital anymore. If she's being mean i don't want to see her again but if she's cool then I'm cool. Even after my mom talked shit about her and told me that i am not allowed to see her again i don't give a fuck.

I put on a purple skirt to make sure to show my legs, but not to much and a Yellow t-shirt to top everything off i add a little bit of makeup and i am ready to go. I ate my breakfast on the way to make sure to have enough time to tell Dela everything.

I arrived there and finally saw Dela again. It felt like i haven't seen her in ages! We immediately started to talk and i told her everything that happened and that i was worried that Katya wouldn't talk to me anymore.

"Don't worry Trixie you'll see that everything is going to be okay i promise"

"If you say so..."

"Look theres Adore lets say hello to her. HEY ADORE!"

We walked over to Adore and talked a little bit her about what happened during the week and i told her about Katya too, she also assured me that everything is going to be okay. I wanted to believe them but i had this strange feeling.

About ten minutes later Adore froze and stared behind me and said to me

"Trix dont freak out but i think that there is Katya who's searching you"

I slowly turned around and our eyes met. I couldn't help myself and immediately smiled and walked to her. She pulled me into a tight hug again and asked if i wanted to meet her at lunch again

Duh of course!

So now i would see her again at lunch and i wasn't even that nervous. It started to feel normal but still kind of strange.

I sat next to Dela like usual concentrating on the classes and didn't even see how fast the time passed. It was already lunchtime, and that means that i  meet Katya.

i was a little nervous but not too much, i waited under the tree and then she finally came

"hey princess"

"hey Kat"

"How was your weekend?"

"To be honest it was kinda boring without you"

"But i told you that you could send me a message whenever you want Trix"

"Yes but i didn't want to bother you i mean you have barely slept this whole week and you came every day to the hospital to see me thats why i thought that you might need some rest and that my messages are only going to annoy the hell out of you"

"Don't say something like that! Honestly i kinda thought the same and always had to fight with myself not to text you. It got to a point were i did my homework to distract me"

"Katya Zamolodchikova and homework? No way"

"Yes I did my homework you can give the awards to my manager"

we both laughed

"Why did you want to text me in the first place? Aren't you always at partys on the weekend?"

"usually yes but remember you got out of hospital friday evening and i was so tired that i immediately fell asleep"

"Oh sorry Katya"

"You dont have to be sorry. If you want you can come to a party with me this evening. Its at Fames so its not far away"

"Yes i would love to come, but what should i wear?"

I'm a mess without you ; TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now