Chapter 5 - Snowblind and Platonically Lovestruck

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Warnings: None

Rating: PG - PG-13


The crisp, cold air dusted lightly over the campus, leaving an icy sheath from the winter rain on the sidewalks and lots. It was slick and uneven, yet somewhat mesmerising, allowing the world to look like a fantasy painting, with icecicles and sometimes blankets of snow to accent it. Winter was Thomas' favorite season. It let him have solitary time, where he could be around his friends and family, and not have to worry about holding up some social duty. He knew Minho was a summer person, yet he still insisted that Thomas and he would still be outside as much as possible in the freezing weather. Minho dragged him from the locker rooom and along the pathways, slipping and laughing next him. Thomas smiled, watching Minho flail around like a baby horse on the ice slicked sidewalk.

"Congratulations Minho Minos, you've won the olympic gold in men's figure skating!" Thomas chuckled, whacking Minho's arm. Minho laughed and shoved him into the nearby column, making Thomas land flat on his butt.

"All right shank, time to find Teresa." Minho sneered, towering over Thomas. Thomas stumbled to his feet before brushing the ice off of his sweater.

"You were so intent shoving me to the football field that I have this suspicion that you know exactly where she is."

Minho simply winked and grabbed Thomas' arm again before they were once again playing balance beam on the ice. The football field was covered in sleet, making it look like it had been like this for years. The football field was never really used, as everyone knew track was where the real sport was. Lucky Thomas.

Thomas and Minho stepped through the field, the grass crunching underneath their shoes. Across the field, in the bleachers, a girl sat. Thomas immediately knew it was Teresa from the dark hair and bored expression. He shoved his hands in his pockets and strolled into the stands, with Minho trailing behind him.

Teresa was sitting cross-legged on the bleachers, a textbook settled firmly in her lap as she jotted down notes in a notebook to her right. Her black hair was pulled up in a messy bun, leaving strands to fall aimlessly in her face. She was wearing a tan blouse, with a heavy fur coat over it, along with blue jeans and her favorite lace up boots.
The silver bangles on her wrists jangled as she wrote.

"Yo, Agnes!" Minho called from the bottom of the bleachers. She looked up from her book, before seeing the two boys and smiling.

"Hey Tom. Minho." She said, her voice sweet and somewhat intimidating. Thomas climbed up next to her, stretching his legs up over her textbook. Teresa rolled her eyes at him, and began to pretend to scribble on his jeans. Minho stood in front of the two, rocking his heels back and forth on the metal seats.

"It's not as cold as I thought it would be." Thomas began, trying to ease into the conversation. Teresa shrugged, pulling at the fabric on Thomas' pants.

"It's going to warm up quicker than I thought this year. I'm ready to stop wearing coats fit for the Alps." She mused. Thomas stretched more, before dropping the question.

"So it's late notice. But dance tommorow, so- go with me? As friends, or enemies. Whichever you prefer."

Teresa laughed, pushing Thomas' legs off of her lap, and rubbed her chin like she was thinking like a true high school dance scholar.

"Why of course, sir Dieson. How lovely of you to ask." Teresa said with a mockingly regal accent. Thomas stood up and faked a bow, before Minho started clapping and shouting something along the lines of "O dear King Thomas and the lowly peasant Teresa." Teresa stuck her tounge out at him, before he did the same. Thomas always knew they didn't get along, but he knew Minho put up with it because of how much he knew Teresa meant to him.

Now, he would never date Teresa. Ever. They were siblings, practically. Joined at the hip for years. They loved like siblings and fought like them too. Thomas had no interest in taking Teresa other than satisfiying Minho's desires to have him not show up alone. Besides, Thomas wanted to keep an open mind in terms of relationships. He felt like something-or someone- was lingering in that spot. He honestly couldn't grasp it. The cute girl in chemistry? The barista at Starbucks? Nothing connected, and no matter how he tried, nothing triggered it.

Oddly enough, nothing except the words smoke, blonde, piercing, and limp.

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