Character file

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Name: Chris Evers

Age: 16

Sexuality: Gay

Gender: cis male

Skin color: white

Eye color: blue

Hair color: jet black

background: After his dad abandoned them his mom has taught him to never leave behind those you love. he has always been friends with Toni, Fangs, and Sweetpea and are known as the south side core four. He came out to his mom after a game of seven minutes in heaven at a middle school party and his mom was fully supportive of him and his sexuality. Joined the serpents around the same time Sweetpea did. Currently dates Kevin Keller.

Personality: he's a soft boi who tries to act tough but fails b/c he's too sweet (but if you mess with him or those he loves you in deep shit my dude....). 

Likes: the serpents, Jughead, clothes, his friends.

Dislikes: Betty, Moose, Veronica, and most northsiders.

Face claim: Sean O'Donnell (@theseanodonnell)



Sweater Weather~ A Jughead Jones Fan ficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora