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It was my second stream with the facecam on, I was still so terrified of taking my sunglasses off. However, I had no problem taking off other things. The fans were very persuasive and to be honest I loved the attention, even if it did make me blush like crazy. We were only about 30 minutes, and we had somehow gone from singing Disney songs, to me taking dares from thicc waffles every time I messed up badly. 

The latest dare was from a regular, and a someone who gifted subscriptions frequently. So I had no choice but to do as they please. It's not like It made me uncomfortable, in fact, as I said, the attention was pleasing. 

My shirt came floating off and the entire chat erupted with mixed emotions. Most of it was positive, some of it was teasing. Human 1 could be heard in the background laughing her butt off. My face was 50 shades of red ;) and the color was spreading to my chest. 

"Okay guys, you only get that much off of me." I said smiling, not fully believing it, as I sat back down to sing a Johnny Cash song. I was good at this song. I knew it. They knew it. 

I felt surprisingly comfortable sitting shirtless on camera for about 30 fans. It was a small group that always caught streams, so I knew they would get a kick out of this, and still come back. 

My raspy voice caught in the mic and chat lulled. I did my best to keep up with chat and still sing, but in the end I decided to just sing and watch chat roll on past me. I didn't have to worry about messing up on this song. 

I was feeling slightly more shy as time wore on and almost went to sleep when I noticed a request. Bohemian Rhapsody. I decided to save it for the end. Cause I know I'm going to mess up a lot.

Chat was still going wild with most of the male attracted people fawning over me. I may have a second profession in mind now. Camboy. I should tell Human 1 about this idea later. She'd get a kick out of it, but I know she'd tell me if it was a good idea or not.

I know I'm shy, both in person and online, but something about the confidence I was drinking in from chat made me reckless. 

The rest of the stream went by without to many weird dares. I had to twerk, which was odd. I was dared to answer a few questions. And I felt closer with my fans now. It was odd, but I quite enjoyed it. 

Now it was time for Queen.

I completely butchered it, as suspected. 

I took a dare from the same person who helped spark the camboy idea. I should've known it would be weird, but I did it anyways. I ended up being dared to... eat.

I didn't strip anymore but I was comfy. 

I should show off my body more often. I got so many new thicc waffles today, and learned something new about myself.  It was interesting. 

And now fans were calling me a camboy, because I posed shirtless for subscribers on twitch. Little did they know how much I liked it.

Authors Note: I will be making more of these, so OT, if you actually read this I'm not stopping!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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