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Percy looks at you wondering what your going to say. 

"I'm not going to the museum." 

"What do you mean? You can't just run away. I know Mrs. Dodds is awful but-" 

You sigh, "Look Grover my mom's apartment isn't very far from here and I've got some money for a taxi besides how much more trouble can I get in anyway?" You say cracking a smile. 

Grover starts anxiously biting on his apple. 

"What if you get caught?" 

He seems strangely nervous even more so then usual. You squint at him wondering what's wrong, sure Mrs. Dodds is bad but she's a teacher what's the worst she can do? And you know the city like the back of your hand. 

He figets anxiously. 

But before he can say anything else the bus screeches to a halt

You give Grover a look telling him not to tell on you. 

He gulps. You file off the bus with everyone else but you make sure to stick near the back of the line. 

Mrs. Dodds is distracted by Percy, she's ordering him to do something you flinch a bit in sympathy but maybe it won't be too bad with Mr. Burnner here too, and everyone else has better things to do then pay attention to onreof the weird ADHD twins.

Except for Grover, he dosn't try to stop you in fact the minute he gets off the bus he runs over to Mr. Burnner you watch him wide eyed. Is he ratting you out? But Mr. Burnner dosn't come toward you or look annoyed or anything he just listens to Grdover with a complacent look on his face. He nods like he's made up his mind about something then motions for Grover to catch up with the rest of the class, or something like that.

Then he looks up at you, you flinch waiting for him to call you over there but he dosn't he just looks at you with a slightly sorrowful, contemplating look.

Then he turns away and starts leading the group inside. You shake your head. You must have imagined it. 

You realize how long you've been standing there, you might be starting to look suspicious you turn around careful to keep your head down and try to look as trustworthy as possible. You notice a small group of people walking away from the museum. You try to walk closer to them pretending to be a part of there group

When your group has started heading into the museum you turn and start to pick up the pace as  hurring to hide behind the side of the museum. You let out a sigh if relief as you walk down the side walk toward the parking lot. 

Percy Jackson's twinWhere stories live. Discover now