Chapter III: Hypocrisy

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 "Who's there?" answered a melodic voice.

"I am Qualt Ironhorns and I am here to ask you some questions?"

"What kind? And why us?"

"Because you live is in front of a crime scene."

There was a long silence before someone unlocked the door and opened it. That someone was a fresh blood red dragon. He was, I think you got it, the owner of the beautiful voice.

"A crime scene?"

"Yes. The Gald's children has been murdered this night."


"Hulrich? Who is it?" said suddenly a deeper voice.

"It's a... It's a detective, Sonia."

"Detective? For what?"

"Your neighbour's children have their throat out of their body by surely a dragon or a dragoness, ma'am", answered Qualt. "And I am here to ask you some question about that night. Can I enter?"

"Oh! Yes! Yes! Please get in! May I give you something to eat or to drink?" said Hulrich.

"No, that will be good. I want it to be as quick as possible... but your witness as complete as possible."

"Oh... Okay, then..."

They moved to a big room, fully decorated. It was stinking vanity. But the atmosphere's smell was alright and quite relaxing. Once Qualt arrived, he finally saw Sonia Fiz. She was a white dragoness, as white as one of the two moons when she is full.

"So..." began Ironhorns after sitting down and getting his note book out. "What were you doing last night?"

The two looked at each other and, if dragons could blush, I assure you they would have been as red as Hulrich at this moment. No need for words, for that question. So Qualt wrote their... physical activity during that night.

"Right... So, if you were up that night, have you seen something... strange in front of your house? Like a dragon entering without a sound into the Gald's house?"

"Hmmm... Yeah, I think I saw something", answered Sonia.

"Oh? What?"

"I saw... Let me remember... Ah, yes, I have it: it was a draconic form but he or she was wearing dark clothes... He or she even had a hood on the head. The clothes were completely all over his or her body."

"Okay..." said Qualt in a low voice while noting the informations. "Other question, who do you think would have killed those children? Who, do you think, has reasons to do that kind of thing?"

"What do you mean?" answered the two.

"By knowing the Gald Family, do you think that, at least, one of them have enemies for what happened? And, if yes, who?"

"The children, I don't think... But, the two heads of the family, I think that they have more than they think. Those two are so gullible..." spat Hulrich.


"Yeah! Why do you think that they are considered as good persons and friends with everybody in the zone. They are used by everybody!"

"Even you?"

"Yeah, and? I even don't need to ask him, sometimes!"

"Just like the thing that happened right after your wedding?"

"Yyyyyeeeeaaah... I see that he may have told you the story."


"So, you see? He is naive and his wife is like him."

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