Chapter II

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A week since Stella arrived...

Stella's POV

Congratulations, glad you're doing great, woah
Congratulations, how are you okay, woah
How could you be so fine
I can see it in your eyes
The same look that you gave me, that kills me inside, oh

Just the perfect song to hear inside the office. A week has passed since DAY6 debuted. And a week has passed since I landed on my first task here.

I was assigned in the Creative Department that focuses on their new girl group, TWICE. I'm still having a hard time memorizing their names but I'll get used to it.

Eventually, this is how it works here. They gave me the concept, I took the photos on the first day. Edit it on the next day. Have it approved. And it's ready for release.

Right now, I'm done with all my tasks and I'm just waiting for a new one.

"Stella-ssi" Eun Hye called me. She handed me some papers and a flashdrive. "Can you give this to the Marketing Department? It's already approved and it's ready for release. I just have a short meeting to attend to."

I took the papers and the flashdrive and smiled at her. "No problem! I'll bring it there. All I have to do is give it their head, right?" I asked.

"Yes. Thank you so much. I owe you one." She said.

I smiled at her and started to fix those papers to bring to the Marketing Department. I'm not yet that familiar with the office, but yeah, I believe I'll get to find it.

According to them, the Marketing Department is at the 4th floor and we're at the 5th floor. I just need to go down.

I was looking for the entrance with the Marketing Department sign. So I kept on looking up. "Marketing Depart..."

I bumped into someone and the papers I was holding fell. I immediately picked up the papers and he helped me. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looki.." then I realized I was speaking in English. "Oh shit. I mean, uhm, mianhamnida." My mind buffered.

He laughed a bit and gave me the papers. "So it seems like you're more fluent in English? Are you new here?" He said. I was shocked because his accent was good but he looks Korean.

"Uhm, kinda, yes.. I wasn't raised here in Korea even if I'm a Korean. And another yes, I am a new staff here. I'm actually looking for the Marketing Department. Do you happen to know where it is?" I told him.

He pointed at the corner. "Go straight to that corner and turn right. You'll find the door there." He said.

I bowed down to him. "Thanks." And immediately walked to the Marketing Department.

Oh shit. I forgot to ask his name.

When I was about to turn around and ask his name. A shout from behind stopped me.

"Jae!" He shouted.

"Whatsup Brian?"

I took a glimpse. And even if I don't have. 20/20 vision, I know it's him. Brian.


I immediately searched the internet.

DAY6 Members

Come on dude. I'm not a KPOP fan. And I'm just new in this company. I don't know everyone else yet.

Oh shit.

So the person I bumped into earlier was a member of DAY6 and his name was Jae.

I continued scrolling down to know more information about him. He's a Korean but was raised in LA. Well that explains why his accent was so good.

I bumped into an idol and I didn't even know he was one.

Good job, Stella.

"Whatsup Brian?"

I wonder if he saw me earlier. But I guess he didn't. Because if he did, he would have definitely grabbed my hand and confonted me.

It's nice seeing him again. He seems happy. And I should be too.

Someone suddenly tapped me in the back. "Hey Stella, dinner tonight. It's a tradition in our department when we finished a task. Besides, you're new here. Time to get to know each other." Eun Hye said.

Well, this is going to be my first time to eat out with them.

I nodded. "Okay." I said.


That night, we went to a restaurant which is quite far from the office. The food looks good.

"Cheers to a successful week!" Eun Hye said as she raised her glass. Everyone did, so did I. "And also, to our new member in the Creatives Team, Stella."

"Cheers" everyone exclaimed.

Ahh. The taste of rice wine. I wonder why they chose this instead of soju.

"So Stella, what made you choose to work in JYP, I heard you came from Canada?" Eun Hye asked.

"Well, I somehow got a full time job offer here than in Canada. I only do freelance works there. And besides, it's been a long time since I last went here in Korea." I told them.

Well, what I said was true, but not the whole truth. I chose to work here because I can't support my family financially. It's not lying, right? I just didn't tell them the whole story.

We had a good conversation as we ate our dinner. When I was about to check the time...

So uhm.. where's my phone?

I continued to look for my phone inside my bag. Then I remembered, I placed it inside my table.

Oh shit. I forgot my phone in the office.

When everyone was already saying goodbye and riding their cars, I immediately called a cab to go back to the office.

I went straight to my table and yes... my phone was there. I can't afford to loose this.

I pressed the elevator button going down. The elevator then stopped at the 4th floor and it opened.

And it was him.

Author's Note

I'm actually having a hard time going back to writing. All my ideas were gone 😂. I hope I can take it back. I know nothing is happening yet (that much) but I hope you'll still go and support me in this story. Comment your thoughts.

Ruth (A Fangirl's Heart)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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