Chapter 1

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~1 year before the Pilot~

[Third Person POV]

Damien: As i was walking around slaughtering any Angel Exterminator in my way. Throughout my years here I have made a name for myself being feared by most of all the demons.

Damien: I even opened my own Casino in Hell which is call The Diamond's Shadow. Where anyone is allowed in but no can fight in there, but if they do I will personally kill them. Anyways as I finished ripping this exterminator to pieces I see that some have cornered someone.

Damien: When I looked closer it was Charlie the daughter of Lucifer so I did what I do best and brutally kill them. When the cleansing was over I was covered in blood and looked back at Charlie she was unconscious. So I picked her up and brought her to my Casino Penthouse and put her on my bed while I left to overlook my business.

Few hours later~

Charlie's POV

Charlie as I woke up I realized I was not in a familiar place since I was surrounded by Exterminators and before I blackout I saw a shadowy figure. When I looked I saw a nice bedroom and when I looked out the window I saw a big view of the city.

Charlie: As I was still looking I went to go wander around to find the owner of this home. What shock me was how nice his living room was.

Charlie: I then saw a man with shadows covering him while he was drinking alcohol with what seem like shadowy pets around him. He then saw me and looked relieved.

??: I am glad your alright I would have been scared if you were dead since your dad his the devil.

Charlie: I am surprised that he knows who I am and when I asked who he was he started to chuckle and ask are you sure of course I nodded.

??: Well I am the man who hides in your shadow, I am referred to as Death Walker but please call me Damien. As he politely bows.

Charlie: I was shocked and afraid because the man who killed hundreds to thousands of demons to get his name. What curious me was he saved my life no demon in hell would do that.

[Damien POV]

Damien: I know you are scare but please calm down I am not here to hurt you. I saw that this calm her down so I started to explain her what happen.

Charlie: So where am I at?

Damien: Well you are in my Casino The Diamond's Shadow where any sinner can come to relaxed and commit more sin.

Charlie: Don't you feel sorry about these demons.

Damien: Why should I they brought themselves here because this is their punishment for what they've done.

Charlie: Do you not believe that demons cannot redeem themselves to go to Heaven.

Damien: Of course not how can they go when people in hell won't change to be a good person just to go to Heaven.

Charlie: Well I was actually thinking of making a Hotel that rehabilitates a sinner.

Damien: I was actually surprise by this so I said well you have me interested I have been getting tired of killing and running this Casino. So guess what Charlie I will fund this project of your and be in charged of entertainment.

Charlie: Do you really mean it are you willing to help.

Damien: Of course I am so do we have a deal.

Charlie: Unless there is any cache to this.

Damien: Of course not I swear I won't besides I hate liars.

Charlie: Looking at him thinking ok we have a deal.

Damien: Now lets talk business for this project. I then hear the elevator open behind us and heard.

??: Charlie where have you been?

Omg and who is this mysterious character tune in next time on Always your shadow in chapter 2 coming soon.😈

Always Your Shadow (Hazbin Hotel X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now