On This Life's Rough Sea

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Notes: So very very much an AU for various reasons...written for bonibaru in the 2019 Yuletide challenge.

Meng Shaofei cursed under his breath as he stomped out of the police station. That damned Tang Yi was going to sue him again and the captain was going to have a fit and there was still not enough evidence to explain what had happened four years ago.

And something had happened on that rocky beach. Not just a gang shootout, no. Okay, a gang leader had ended up dead and so had a cop, with Tang Yi the only survivor, but there was something else going on, Meng Shaofei knew it!

If only he could prove it. Ugh.

Throwing his car into gear, he drove home to go through the files for the millionth time, looking for something he might have missed.


Zhao Zi tried to talk him out of it, but bright and early the next day, Meng Shaofei dragged his friend to the clothing store where he knew Tang Yi could be found. Something nefarious was definitely going on there but he'd never gotten permission to search it.

Teeth grinding, Meng Shaofei peered through the window, covering his eyes to block out the glare of the sun halfway up in the sky. To his surprise, the door opened and a young woman looked out at them. "Please come in. The boss would like to speak with you."

Zhao Zi stepped forward and Meng Shaofei grabbed him. "We can't just...walk in!" He hissed in the kid's ear. "He's already sued me for stalking."

"But we were invited," Zhao Zi smiled brightly. "I'm sure it's fine."

Before Meng Shaofei could stop him, he'd walked through the door, leaving Meng Shaofei nothing to do except follow and hope to keep him out of trouble.

The clothing was all extremely expensive-looking and it was probably fashionable. Meng Shaofei held his head high and didn't think about his battered jacket and worn jeans. His clothing was just fine for him. So there.

Tang Yi glanced up at them but was finishing a phone call. Trying not to look like he was eavesdropping, Meng Shaofei turned to push a few items around a rack.

When a leather jacket was suddenly draped over his shoulders, he didn't jump, but he might possibly have made an embarrassing high-pitched squeal. Whirling, there was Tang Yi behind him, smirking. "This suits you better than those," he said, looking him up and down.

Meng Shaofei reached to take it off. "I—"

"Leave it on." Tang Yi grabbed his wrist in a grip that was stronger than expected. "It's a gift."

"I can't take a gift from you!" Meng Shaofei gestured wildly with his other hand.

Tang Yi's jaw visibly clenched. "A discount, then. Because I wouldn't want you to catch a cold while following me around town."


A hand timidly tugged at his sleeve. "It does look good," Zhao Zi said softly.

Meng Shaofei gave him a look of disbelief and betrayal, but the kid just gave him puppy dog eyes in return. Meanwhile, the jacket settled on his shoulders and...damn it, he had to admit it was comfortable. And warm. And remarkably soft. "Fine," he said sullenly, knowing he sounded like a child but unable to stop himself. "A discount."

For an instant, Tang Yi's expression was filled with...satisfaction? But by the time Meng Shaofei blinked, the other man was back to his usual impassive look. "Even if you don't consider it a gift," Tang Yi said, "I do. With all the rights and privileges."

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