There Are Things To Be Said

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There are things to be said
Things we all dread
The thought pops in our head
Of thoughts of us dead
Marching on in strides
Until we meet the tides
They break men
Everything is just a statement
A "We send you our prayers"
With no names to bare
Mothers cry for their husbands and sons
Now is just as worst as then
For we march in strides
Against the tides of men
We offer our condolences and prayers
On deafened ears they lay bare
There are things to be said
Of how we would end up dead
Names stretch far and wide
Washing along the tides
None mean more than the other
But think about Their Sons and Brothers
Their Sisters and Daughters
They'll send to the slaughter
To keep our country in control
To keep our country in power
To narrow us down to our final hour
They do not care
For they do not lay bare
They stay safe behind guarded walls
As they wait for us to Win or Fall
When will it end?

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