Chapter 3: It is Awake

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        The HUD indicator showed one hundred and seven meters, Daxter had been through several warehouses worth of strange mechanisms and assembly stations getting lost only a few times. 
        Regardless he had been on the move for a few hours now. His suit included assisted movement features to make long treks easier, but he was still exhausted. 
        Aurora and Daxter had been scanning the factory for what felt like years, and this on top of it only added to his fatigue. 
         He had taken this opportunity to himself to listen to tunes on his helmet speakers. He was trying to keep a good spirit despite the grim attitude of the other two.
          What did it mean that the Curators were coming back? Who were they in the first place? Why did Aurora jump to helping him? And more importantly who was The Curator Of Darkness? 
          Aurora had flown off to the Opehelm system without a second thought and left Daxter in the dust again... 
To his right a box flew off a shelf and slammed into the ground with a loud thud startling him out of his thoughts.

       The box then started ripping itself open revealing a robotic figure with large metal nails glowing with the field of a power weapon.
If those claws met his armor he was toast, he aimed at the figure as it locked onto him.
       It's tail which Daxter had not seen whipped around whirling spikes in his direction, the spikes were perfectly aimed, yet they bounced off his armor. 
       He unleashed a full-auto burst on the creature with satisfying results, the creature staggered as the bullets hit it's ugly face and blew it into pieces. 
       Daxter couldn't help but let out a whoop of excitement "I knew the damage module was better than the motion sensor, suck it Aurora," he let out. 
       His touchdown celebration was cut short by another thud, then another, when they didn't stop Daxter ran. 
       He could hear more of the bots coming for him and he began to look for a choke zone. 
It was the only way one of them wasn't going to sneak up on him and rip him a new one. 
       He finally found what looked like a service door, he threw it open and found a dead-end hallway. A bot made it to the hallway hesitating for just a moment.

He had no option; he flew down the hallway to the end. 
       Pivoting on his left foot he took aim and leaned into his rifle stock, the first bot to hit the hallway got blasted before it could detect him.
       After that, a wall of them rushed the small service door coming in one or two at a time. He threw all his bullets down the hallway with devastating results, at the end of his battery thirty of the bots had met their doom, yet they kept coming. 
       He thought about reloading, but couldn't see an opening to do so, thinking quickly he grabbed a grenade off his belt and tossed it hoping to disrupt them while he reloaded. 
       The grenade stock setting was impact timing, he could time it up to five seconds, but he decided impact was probably best for the situation, the grenade blew and hell broke loose. 
       The initial explosion took a dozen with it and the shrapnel claimed several more, when the explosion destroyed the bots their parts also ricocheted around the hallway destroying even more. 
       By the time more bots had flooded the hallway again Daxter had slapped another battery into his rifle and had taken aim. 
Another clip later the numbers had thinned and they had to climb over their fallen brethren to get at him.
       It was at this point that Daxter emptied his clip and he didn't have another to use, the ammo was expensive, and he had used about three thousand credits worth of bullets. 
         Having no other option he activated his plasma fist weapons and charged.
         The first bot went for a stabbing motion at his jugular but left his head module open for a right sucker punch. The things face sliced in two leaving an orange glow on either piece.
       Gaining confidence Daxter decided to push his ground. 
       The next to come did some acrobatic maneuver landing with a foot claw to his head.

       He caught the kick with his blade safely avoiding the power claws and delivered a plasma fist to the creature's rear end.
The blow disabled it's legs and he planted his foot square on the back of its head crushing it's head module. 
        The next tried lashing out for a low blow and found a plasma blade wedged in it's abdomen area.
       The bot's chest began glowing and making a high pitched hissing sound, sure sign of an explosion.
       He booted it backward and threw himself away from it. The thing exploded and flung even more parts around.
       All was quiet and Daxter couldn't hear any more of the boxes thudding off the shelf. 
       Daxter finally pushed his way through all the debris moments later to explore the room further.
       His would bet credits that if there were so many functioning borgs around that there were some valuables nearby. 
       After around twenty minutes he had gathered ten more hard drives and seven batteries from all the Thrasher-44 model robots.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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