Chapter 8~

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A few moons later it was finally time for SnowPaw's warrior assessment, she was sitting in camp talking to YellowPaw. During her time in ThunderClan she made great friends with YellowPaw and KalePaw, despite his constant moodiness. She looked towards ShadedStar and EchoHeart as they were talking. She noticed EchoHeart stealing glances at her all the time. They had talked the other day about their love for each other, he wanted her as his mate and she wanted him. He said he had felt this way even when they were apprentices, which made SnowPaw very happy. Of course she told YellowPaw all of this, since they had become best friends. " Soooo SnowPaw, do you think he'll ask you right after you receive your name to be his mate?" asked YellowPaw. " I don't know YellowPaw, he'll ask me when the time is right. I want to just focus on my assessment. Oh here they come." ShadedStar and EchoHeart approached the two she cats. " Hello YellowPaw, SnowPaw dear are you ready for your assessment? You'll be going out hunting to catch as much prey as you can. EchoHeart and SkyMask will watch you from the shadows. Now they will escort you out of camp to start, and good luck my dear." said ShadedStar. The she cat was getting older, any cat could tell she had trouble moving around and she was getting skinnier. " of course I'm ready, don't worry I'll make you proud ShadedStar. You to EchoHeart. Let's go!"

       The three cats left camp and led SnowPaw into the forest. Almost immediately she caught the scent of mice and a bird nearby. She noticed that her mentor and SkyMask had left her alone. So she decided to follow the scent of the bird. It led her to a small clearing near the old two leg nest. The bird was huge, it'd probably feed three cats alone. She stalked up to it, she made sure she was down wind so it wouldn't smell her. She crouched down, preparing to pounce.. she sprang at the crow, biting down hard on it's neck, in a few moments it had given a final jump and it was dead. She buried the bird in order to retrieve it later on.  She continued her hunt, she had ended up with two mice, a squirrel, and the huge crow. She, EchoHeart, and SkyMask carried helped her carry her prey back to camp. SnowPaw of course holding the huge crow proudly in her jaws, as she entered camp. They deposited the catch into the prey pile, ShadedStar had waited there for the return of the three. The leader and her son shared a look, then she turned and left for the high rock. SnowPaw followed her as well as EchoHeart.

    " All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" Cats began to gather, Snowpaw looked around and saw YellowPaw and KalePaw watching her with pride and a hint of envy.
" Today SnowPaw was given her Warrior assessment, and it seems she had caught plenty of prey. So I believe she is ready to receive her Warrior name. So I, ShadedStar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. SnowPaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" saided ShadedStar. " I do." SnowPaw said strongly. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. SnowPaw, from this moment on you will be known as SnowMoon. StarClan honors your bravery and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." As soon as ShadedStar finished SnowMoon's new name run loudly through the camp. She looked around for her friends, they were basically screaming her name unlike the other cats. As the noise died down ShadedStar jumped down and laid her head on top of SnowMoons, and in turn SnowPaw licked her Shoulder. " Your parents would be so proud of you young one. I know I am, in your time here you've grown so much. I'm happy to make you a warrior of my clan." Whispered ShadedStar. "I'm happy you've let me have this honor ShadedStar, thank you." ShadedStar moved away, as soon as she did she felt a cat jump on her back. She turned her head to see YellowPaw. " Congrats SnowMoon! I knew you could do it. I admit I'm a bit jealous but soon it will be My turn. This will be the last time we talk till tomorrow, I'll wake up early to see if you fall asleep during your vigil. So see ya tomorrow!" YellowPaw walked away to rejoin KalePaw. She saw EchoHeart standing off on the side of the clearing, so she made her way over to him, all the while receiving praise and cats congratulating her.
" Thank you EchoHeart, I couldn't have done this without you. You were an excellent mentor." said SnowMoon. " Your always so modest SnowMoon, this is all your doing you mouse brain. I'll prepare you a nest for morning soon, remember no sleeping during vigil, you will be protecting the camp. I bet your parents are watching right now from StarClan, and I bet the were cheering for you. I love you SnowMoon. Now go on and eat then go sit in front of the camp. I'll see you tomorrow." Said EchoHeart. SnowPaw went over to the prey pile and took out a squirrel and quickly ate it as the sun was going down. When she was done she took her place in front of the camp.

For hours it was extremely quiet and peaceful. Nothing was happening in the forest besides the rustle of leaves and an occasional hoot of an owl. SnowMoon was staring around as she was looking a shimmer of blue caught her eye. A starry looking cat was sitting a few feet in front of her. A pair of familiar green eyes stared at her, her mother's eyes. Another cat join her now a cat with bright red eyes, her father's bright red eyes. The two cats walked towards her, pride shining from their eyes. She heard a whisper of words from the wind blowing around her, it was cold, unlike the nice New Leaf season. " Were so proud of you SnowMoon..." The two cats surrounded her they wrapped their bodies around her, then they vanished. SnowMoon sat there shocked and crying. The scents of her parents hung around the clearing, her mother who smelt of  of the open moore, her father who smelt pine. " Come back.. Mom.. Dad.. please." Muttered SnowMoon.

The scents finally faded as the sun started to rise, she had heard a rustle of leaves behind her. YellowPaw's head poked through the gorse wall. " Good morning SnowMoon! Oh, have you been crying? What's wrong?" asked YellowPaw. " I saw my parents, I know that sounds crazy, but they were here. Do you smell pine and the scent of the WindClan moore? That was their scents, they appeared and said they were proud of me..." said SnowMoon. " I kinda smell it, and I believe you. If medicine cats can speak to StarClan then they could appear and then disappear. Come into camp you must be exhausted, plus EchoHeart probably want to show you to your nest." Said YellowPaw. SnowPaw got up and followed her friend into camp slowly. She wanted to linger with the smell of her parents, but she also wanted to go to sleep from staying up all night. She entered the camp, she was greeted by EchoHeart and YellowPaw, both cats were smiling. " Good morning SnowMoon, I expect all went well?" Asked EchoHeart. " Yes, nothing exciting happened. I'm just ready to sleep now, can you show me to my nest?" asked SnowMoon. " Of course, follow me." EchoHeart led her over to the warrior's den and slipped inside. He showed her a nest that was next to his own. " Well here it is. I hope you like it, I gathered the moss myself and made sure it was nice and clean." said the tom. " I take it that one next to it is yours? Did you do that on purpose?" asked SnowMoon. The tom started to blush, he crossed his paws. " Uh.. Yeah I guess I did put your nest next to mine. Hehe, I honestly didn't think about it. I have to go on morning patrol, so i'll see you later SnowMoon." EchoHeart started to leave, before he left he turned around. " Would you like to go hunting with me later?" He asked. " Of course I would. I'll see you later." She smiled at him as he left, when he was gone she laid down in her nest and went to sleep.

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