第5章 (Chapter 5)

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Hello and sorry for not updating in a while. I didn't have ideas but I do now so yay I'm back.

You woke up to the smell of delicious food. Crawling out of the bed, without waking anyone, you went to the kitchen. As you did the smell got stronger. You walked in and the sight was horrific. Zeyu, and MinGrui were trying to put out a- FIRE!!! You ran and grabbed the fire extinguisher. The boys moved back as you put it out. After breathing for a minute you turned to face the two guilty boys, "WHAT HAPPENED!!! HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO CATCH THIS OF FIRE?!?!" You looked over wondering what they even caught on fire, a CAKE, REALLY??? You looked at the boys expectantly. Tapping your foot, arms crossed you waited for them to answer you. "We wanted to make something nice for you and the others." Zeyu said looking down. "Then what smelt so good??" You really wanted to know, if they burnt the cake, you still don't know how that happened, then what was that amazing smell??? MinGrui pointed to the table that was filled with lit candles, incense, etc. "We lit those so no one  could smell that." he said pointing to what was left of the abomination. 

Thats when HanYu walked down. "I heard ye- WHAT THE HECK???" He yelled looking at the scene in front of him. "Didn't I tell you not to burn the house down?? And why is it so messy in here??" You hadn't even noticed the mess, you were too busy making sure no one was burned alive. There were cans of frosting scattered around, flour was EVERYWHERE, and a few other things you couldn't make out. HanYu sighed "You two will clean this mess." The two smaller boys pouted, and whined before getting to work. You and HanYu sat down on the couch. "Y/N why do you have the fire extinguisher??" You hadn't even realized you still had it till now. "Never mind," you said sitting it down. You got up and headed to your room. HanYu stayed to make sure the kitchen got cleaned. Your room now seemed foreign to you. You never realized how long you had been staying in ShuYang, and XinLong's room. You ignored it before doing your morning routine. Once you were done you put on a bubble gum pink T-shirt with cute little characters. Then you put on a pair of blue leggings with cotton candy on the thighs.

You walked into ZiHao and Zeyu's room to see if ZiHao was still sleeping. Peeking in you saw no one there. Thats when you heard running water. ZiHao must be in the shower, you thought to yourself. You walked out before checking on ShuYang and XinLong. The were both still sleeping, and cuddling with each other. You took a picture because they were to cute not to. You walked out before going back downstairs. There HanYu was sitting at the table, a small drop of water fell from his damp hair. The kitchen was spotless. "Were did the boys go??" You asked walking into the kitchen to start breakfast. "I helped them so they finished. Now they have to go wash off whatever the sticky stuff was on your floor. They were covered in it." He said as he walked over to help you, you nodded as you both started cooking. The silence between you two wasn't awkward, it was peacful.

That silence was interrupted by two boys who ran down the stairs hiding in between you, HanYu and the counter. Right behind them came an angry, and soaked XinLong. "I'm gonna murder them!!!" He growled. You and HanYu just laughed. "Go get dried off foods done." You said as XinLong left. That's when ShuYang came down, "Morning!" He smiled. You four greeted him back as the three boys sat down at the table. As you were setting the table Zihao walked in. "Took you long enough." You said causing him to smile, he shrugged and sat down.

You followed after, once a couple minutes passed by XinLong joined you guys. After eating in silence for a bit you decided to say something. "Guys I have good news." They looked at you paying attention. "Well ShuYang was sad yesterday and he danced, so I assumed you guys like dancing, or maybe it's just Shuyang, but anyway I have a friend who owns a dance studio, and he said we could use it." The boys cheered. Once you were all done eating everyone else finished getting ready you guys left.

You had decided to walk because it was in walking distance. Once you got there the boys ran around a bit, you could tell they were excited. "Boys, my friend Minho said we were free to use this room as long as we don't ruin anything." That's when everyone face MinGrui and Zeyu. They nodded and saluted. "You boys can go first." They nodded before HanYu hooked his phone up. The song 'Enough' started playing as they got into position.

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