2.Batman The Next Mission

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"Robin," said Batman.

"Yes Bat dad," said Robin, Batman's adopted son.

"We have a new mission. To stop joker from destroying Wayne Manor. To the batsub!"

"Hot diggity dog," said Robin.

As they dived deep and deeper, they have found that joker had planted a bomb and had snuck into Wayne Manor.

"Puter," said Batman.

"Yes, what's up Batman." said the

"Show me the quickest route into
Wayne Manor."

" okay go left. Then right. then up.The end of the route. You are inside Wayne Manor."

"Thanks, puter."

"You're welcome, batman, sir." Said the computer

Running into the dining room Batman and Robin saw joker creepily sat on a chair with a big grimace smile. Next to him gazed his villains.

" Batman! How did you get here so quick?" Said, joker

"I have my ways." Said batman

That's extreme." Said, joker

" you want to get extreme. Then let's get extreme. Because I just wrote a song about how I am going to kick all of your buts."

"Stop him before he starts singing." Said joker demandingly.

" I the darkness night huh. I'll make the bad guys fall huh. If there are a million heroes. Computer overcompensate. But I'm the best of them all."

" I'm on my way, sir."

" who has the coolest gadgets? Batman! Who has the tricks-out ride? Batman. Who does the sickest backflips? Batman. Na na na na na na na Batman. Batman dun nun dun nun dun nun dun nun dun nun dun nun dun nun. Batman! You think my muscles are big Thank you. You haven't seen my brain huh. Ladies, it's okay if you stare. Why because I'm a billionaire.

"Get it together guys you making me look bad in front of Batman." Exclaimed joker.

"Computer where's the bomb," said batman

"The bomb is located under Wayne mansion.

I have the last laugh. I get the final grid. Throw you into the asylum with Harlequin. Turn two face to black and blue face. I'm a 100% not Bruce Wayne. Who always pays there taxes. Not batman!"

"How is he beating us again?" Said joker grumpily.

" hey hey because I'm batman hey hey hey I'm batman. Hey hey hey I'm batman."

"It's gonna blow." all the villains said scaredly

"Hey, Robin can you diffuse a bomb."

"Nope," said Robin.

"I will guide you through.

"Okay," said robin

"Do a backflip then jump. Then do 5 front flips," Batman continued "Then say computer deploy  dive suit."

"Computer deploy dive suit." Said robin

"Now dive down and cut the red and blue wire at the same time."

"Done and dusted." said robin

"Then dive back up and do 10 backflips towards me." Robin landed right beside batman." Give up joker we have defused the bomb and all you villains have been overthrown the only person left is you" said batman.

"Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah. You can't defeat me cause I always get away." said the joker trying to escape as he hit his head and landed down.

"Well then is that why your trapped inside a hologram."as batman finished his sentence the hologram exploded with the joker in it.

"Get reaked joker, " batman said in a harsh way."


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