The proud designer

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Many people have said it before the best time to do something is not later but now,i am saying this because in the fashion industry there are a lot of people coming in and a lot quitting,but we shouldn't look at the quitters but the winners,as a fashion designer u need to understand colors and texture of fabric,u need know how to combine colors to given u a beautiful outfit that it will marvel the customers,fashion and designing is not just picking up a fabric and cutting them but is something beyond that,mentally,physically and emotionally u need to connect your mindset to work that particular moment you are with a fabric so that u can think and be able to differentiate your self from a tailor,a tailor can just sew what was given to him but a designer create something different and give advice if the design been choose is not in a match with the fabric,stay tinned for the part 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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