Good Morning

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“Uwaaa~ what a nice day to be out and alive!” I exclaimed followed by a content sigh.

My eyes scanned the view before me. The sight of a peaceful town slowly waking up from its slumber, the birds chirping in unison as if greeting each other good morning and the cold morning breeze feels like it’s hugging me.

I smiled and made my way to the usual sandwich stand that I go to eat breakfast at.

“Good Morning!” I greeted the sandwich vendor. She gives me a soft smile and greets me back. “What would it be for today?” She asks. I look at the menu and started humming as I try to decide on what to have for today. “Just an egg sandwich for today, but make it double!” She nods at me and hurries to make my order.

I hum a tune while waiting patiently for her to finish.

I look at the sun and it’s already out of the corner he’s been hiding at.

My eyes widen, realizing what time it is. “Oh my god, it’s 8:00 already!” and on cue, the sandwich vendor finishes cooking my order and sent the paper bag flying to me.

I caught it and placed my payment on the cart, shouting a thank you as I take a run for it.

What am I running after, you’re asking?

Well it’s about around this time that he passes by at that street.

When I finally reached the street, I slowed down my pace and pretended to be walking casually through this street to go to somewhere that I’m supposed to be right now.

And in a few minutes, he came.

The gray streaks on his bleached hair makes him stand out from the crowd, his ever so sleek appearance with that suit of his, and his face looking as young as the morning with a smile plastered on it.

Everything about him makes my morning—no screw that, my whole day—a better one.

I bit my lips, trying to stop the grin growing on my lips as we slowly approach each other, as if it was the first time all over again.


If you’re thinking that me and this gray haired guy had a relationship of some sort, then you’re thinking wrong. I don’t even know his name!

All I know is, based on the suit his wearing everyday to work, he’s working as an investigator in the CCG which is located on the next street after this one.

I’ve been admiring him ever since the day I first saw him pass by. There was just something about him that made my heart skip a beat. With no words, no interaction and not even a single look, I found myself attracted to this man.

Everyday, I wished that somehow, in some way. Fate would finally bring something to me that would bring us together, or at least an event that will make me know his name.

I sighed, knowing that this would just be like the other days that we’d meet.

Nothing but two people crossing paths, never to see each other again.

We finally approached each other. We were walking close enough for me to smell his sweet fragrance, I inhaled deeply and let out a smile.

But as if fate was playing with me, I lost my balance and tripped and fell down. And not just anywhere, but right on the gray haired man.

Although we didn’t really dramatically fall down and got into an awkward position, it looked more like I was leaning on to him for a kiss or some intimate act alike as that.

“I-i-I’m sorry!” I stuttered an apology as I was still leaning on to him, his hands holding onto my arms, supporting my leaning figure. “No, no! It’s a good thing I caught you before you fell.” He softly pushes me away from him and gives me a smile.

I could almost feel myself fainting at the sight.

“T-thank you..mister..?” I slyly asked for his name. “Haise, Haise Sasaki.” He responds, somehow, his name suits him well. “Oh and don’t call me mister, I’m not that old!” He playfully adds, I nod my head. “And what is yours?” He asks, I stuttered while introducing myself to him.

“Hmm, well it’s nice to finally know your name.” He says, which surprises me. “What do you mean?” I asked, he gives me a smile. “I’ve noticed you passed by this street on the same time as me everyday.” My mouth formed into an ‘O’.

Wait, does this mean that this guy was slyly checking me out like I was doing to him?

“Oooooh, yeah. Well I usually just walk know! To shake off my sleepiness, that’s all.” I said my impromptu excuse. But in reality, the only reason why I liked passing this street on my morning walk was because of him. “Oh I see, I guess it’s nice to have a carefree life, huh.” He gives out a troubled sigh. Something tells me that this is about job.

“Hey, cheer up! It’s still early in the morning, a lot of wonderful things can still happen even if you’re busy. So be positive!” I give him an encouraging smile. A smile slowly creeps on his and he pats my head, “Thank you, I’ll remember that.”

I redden at our first official contact, not like earlier which was more of an accident.

“Y-y-you’re wecome..” I mumbled, still red from the earlier event. He nods with a smile and looked at his watch. “Oh shoot! I’m almost late for work.” He exclaims, he then looked at me. “Well, I’ll see you around.” He says and started to walk again.

I then looked at the paper bag which held two sandwiches inside, I suddenly had a bright idea.

“Wait, Sasaki-san!” I called out to him, he turns around and gives me a questioning look. I run towards where he had walked off to and gives him the other sandwich. “You need this more than I do.” I handed him the sandwich.

He looks at it and then looks at me, “T-thank you..” He mumbled, I could see a light shade of red grazing his pale cheeks.

He freezes for a moment, but I guess he suddenly remember about the time and he suddenly jumped up and started walking again.

He turns around for the final time and waves his hand at me, I do the same with a smile.

“Finally..” I mumbled to myself.

Fate finally brought what I’ve been asking for, and I can’t deny the fact on how excited I am to see how this goes.

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