Chapter 1

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Third Person P.O.V.

It had been a couple of weeks since Dipper had told his family about him transitioning into a male. They had been so supportive of him, immediately switching to his preferred pronouns, as well. They had all been gathering together money and saving it so Dipper would have enough to get surgery and everything he needed to complete/start his transition. To say he was excited was an understatement. He was positively ecstatic! In just a day or so, he would be starting/completing his transition!

Right now though, him and Mabel were in their room, messing around with Silly String they found on one of the shelves in the Shop downstairs.

"Mabel! I'm so gonna get you for that!!" Dipper yelled happily, chasing Mabel around the room and spraying her with a bunch of Silly String in revenge for her catching him with Silly String off guard, with a laugh.

Mabel screeched with a laugh in response, spraying the colored string blindly behind her, trying to get Dipper as he was still behind her, spraying her with his can of Silly String.

"KIDS! DINNER!" Dipper and Mabel heard their Grunkle Stan yell from the kitchen.

The twins looked at each other, their giant smiles (somehow) getting bigger "Race you!" Mabel exclaimed, dropping her Silly String can and making a run for the stairs (the door was already opened from when they ran into the room earlier).

"Hey! No fair!" Dipper exclaimed jokingly, dropping his Silly String can as well and running as fast as he could out of the room, following his sister. However, he slowed when they reached the stairs, seeing the Mabel was going to take the steps he thought he needed a way to get downstairs faster than his sister.

Dipper quickly looked around the stairs, his gaze stopping on the railing to stairs, causing him to grin. His pace quickened, as he got closer to the railing, he jumped onto it, sliding down it and landing perfectly on the floor, a triumph smile on his face and look in his eyes. He was also surprised he didn't fall, but that look in his eyes was quickly replaced by extreme happiness when Mabel shouted jokingly to him "You little cheat! Come back here!" with a laugh and a smile, running towards him and waving a stuffed animal around in the air causing Dipper to let out a loud screech filled laugh.

The male brunett twin quickly ran over to the kitchen table to escape the wrath of his sister, his face red with laughter when he leaned back in his chair to catch his breath. "Come on bro bro! So not fair!" Mabel said/whined jokingly with a laugh before she sat down on the chair next to her brother, as ready for breakfast as he is.


Hi! So, this has been written for someone (not gonna say who in case they don't want to be mentioned) and, if your seein' this, hi! Anyways, hope y'all have a good day/night/afternoon! Love y'all! If anyone seeing/reading this would like me to continue this, lemme know! You can DM or just comment on this page! <3

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