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"Ugh" I groaned as I came around and saw the light in front of me. I blinked a few times and focused on what was happening. Then a cloud came in front of me, wait not a cloud, a shadow, a body. This thing came into clearer view for a split second before darting out again and I could just make out the image of a coat whirling behind them. That was what fully brought me back to consciousness. I swore under my breath and tried to move my hands to rub the tiredness out of my eyes but I couldn't. My hands hit cold steely metal and that shocked me. I pulled harder and struggled more but as I realized I couldn't move I started hyperventilating bringing on a full blown panic attack. I felt my vision dance again as I struggled for each breath, my fists clenching and unclenching at their sides before slowly I felt my self return to consciousness. My breathing had steadied and I felt a unnatural sense of calm wash over me. Immediately I panicked as I had no Idea what calmed me down and was about to shout out before I was interrupted.

"Subject 4 has been calmed is ready for stage 2" I heard a voice behind me say as I felt a needle exit my skin. Something clicked in my mind as I understood what had stopped my panic attack and that instead arose a new question.

"W-What do you want with m-me?" I asked curing at my self under my breath for the stutter in my voice.

"Well that's for me to know and for you to find out" came the reply in the same voice I heard before. I heard the clacks of heals on the polished floor and suddenly there was a figure in front of me. I blinked hard at the sudden loss of light and then took in the figure, It was a woman maybe in her late 20s or early 30s. She had caramel colored hair that was pulled into a high ponytail but had let two strands out and one hung on each side of her face framing it in a way that was soft and yet also intimidating, both her jaw and cheek bones were sharp while her cheeks were round and soft making for a very mixed face. Her eyes were small and sharp while the irises portrayed a beautiful steely emerald color. Her lashes were long and curled up at the end much like the small nose in the middle of her face. Her skin was white but tanned nicely and had freckles dotting across her nose on her neck. She wore a simple white lab coat with a bright blue blouse underneath and a grey skirt which hung until her knees. The heels he had heard earlier were the same color as the blouse and at least 10cm tall.

" Well?" her voice brought me out of my stare and I just had to look at her with confused face. She laughed and it sounded like like a million little bells were getting hit. I felt my face flush with embarrassment as I adverted my gaze to the floor and listened to what she had to say

"My name is Dr.Kesil and I am going to have to do a simple background interview on you, Is that ok?" she repeated, I felt the redness go out of my face and fear creep in instead. My eyes shot back up to hers as I could feel the worry lines on my face. Dr.Kesil simply looked back at me with her emerald eyes hardening up as if she was telling me to listen to her. I simply racked my thoughts as to what cover story I could make up in the few seconds I had between receiving the question and me having to answer. I gave up and decided on a twisted version of the truth. I nodded slightly telling her that I was alright with it though it defiantly wasn't and prepped myself for the incoming questions,

"What is your full name" she stated cooly almost as if this was a different person to the one that had laughed at his embarrassment not 10 seconds ago, I gulped not expecting the cold of her voice, but I simply pushed past it and continued on with my answer

"Daxam Coll Lorns" the stutter now gone but replaced with a firey intensity to get through this interview with the cover story I was slowly crafting in my head



"Date and place of birth"

"March 11 2024, Crowla"



"Living family members" I tensed at this and Dr.Kesil saw it and with a satisfied smirk on her face looked pointedly at me as if to tell me to hurry up

"Mom,Brother and Uncle" I managed to force out and got a even bigger smirk from the doctor before she continues

"Names" I hid my gasp at this and racked my brain for names

"Maria, Kroy and Lakts"

"All Lorns?" I just nodded at that biting the inside of my cheek as not to give anything away

"Any deceased family members?"

"D-Dad and S-Sister" I choked out

"Cause" was asked in a slightly questioning tone and I just was willing myself not to stutter, not to show weakness

"Cancer and Murder" I stuttered out as tears sprung to my eyes and all the strength I was showing crumbled around me

"What do you remember about the discovery of ADS?" I was still suppressing the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes and couldn't being my self to create a cover story

"I was sitting in front of the TV with my sister and mom when the emergency news report came on, It was talking about a virus of sorts that had just been discovered in some teens. They mentioned a name ADS, Adolescent development syndrome and that it was dangerous." I let out a shuddering sigh and continued on "The news anchor said that all 16 year olds were going to have to be tested as that was when the so called development showed. I remember sitting in shock staring at my sister and my mom who looked back sadly before we heard the last statement issued my the government, that every school across the country and maybe even across the world would be testing on the same day and if you tested negative then you were too dangerous for humanity" I finished by explanation with a sigh. I racked my thoughts for what else I could remember that would benefit the doctor not knowing.

"Well lets get on to our next topic then shall we, what do you remember before you woke up restrained?" she butted in before I had gone two seconds into my search

"Um well, let me think" I said as I closed my eyes and let myself drift into my memories.

____________________________________________________________-1165 words

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