Old Friends.

10 1 0

Surprised at what I find,

People decline,

Everyone's losing their mind!

I have to fight to keep what's mine,

No one knows, I'm in a bind,

I got gipped, I put my two cents in, and received a dime,

Blah blah blah, people are blind!

To them I've given my time,

For get the world, welcome to the underground,

Being yourself is a crime,

Who gives a care? I'm no longer bound,

I'm not cool! You have reached your prime,

I wanna make family proud,

Old friends, pretend to be a mime!

That's right, shut your trap!

No longer do I care,

My goodness I did swap,

You problems I no longer bare,

Your balloon I did pop,

Now I give you a reason to stare!

With your blood I will mop,

Anger and I are the perfect pair,

By beating everyone, I have reached the top,

Damage done, I can never repair,

Only when I'm dead will I stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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