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Six year old Issac Jacobson laid in his bed covering his ears. Tony his father was downstairs arguing with his mother Alane.

Only having been nine hours ago that his mom cane snatching him up from school without Tony's permission. Now here Tony is arguing with her. Tony and Alane have what therapist might call and verbally and physically abusive relationship. Alane and Tony met when they were fourteen years old. When Tony was young and immature, he'd played Alane like a dummy for years. Tony was no doubt a ladies man, he was young for Christ sake. And having a kid at 15 didn't make it any better. He's finally came to his senses but now he's twenty one. Alane had been lost it months ago, she heard rumors in the streets that he and his close friend Parlo would go to strip clubs and fuck random strippers. After that she was never the same, she became a functioning alcoholic, and smokes cigarettes all the time not even caring that her son had asthma.

The stress of heart break, and being a single mother hit Alane like a ton of bricks and she was now spiraling out of control. Tony tried his best to keep Issac away. Alane had begun to start scaring him a little. From Tony's point of view he feels that she needs medical help.

And now he's sure that she's planned to do something to his son for her to just up and take him from school.

"I fuckin' hate you!" Alane screamed at him. "After all I did for you ya go and you be with that black bitch! Have her around my kid?!My kid!"

Issac flenched at the anger and hurt in his mothers voice. Though he's young he's smart enough to know that she's talking about Angela. A young girl that his dad has taken a liking to.

"Don't put your hands on me Alane! Alright?! I didn't come here to argue I just want my son!" Tony shouted back at her. Tony's never been one to put his hands on a woman, he's been raised up in the streets by some of the most cruelest most dangerous men and he'll still never raise his hands to a woman. And Alane knew that, so she takes advantage of it.

Issac climbed out of bed going towards the stair way and peeking between the bars to see his mom shoving Tony again and again while they argued.

"You are a whore! She'll see that soon enough! And Issac belongs with me, you'll have him selling dope in no time!" Issac felt sorry for both his parents. Tony pushed Alane to the breaking point, driving her crazy, she just snapped. And Alane has been cheated on, hurt, and neglected and now the one good thing in her life he's trying to take from her too. Saddest thing is Tony is watching a woman he used to be deeply in loved with crumble before his eyes.

"And your better for him! Alane there's crack all around this place! Everybody thinks your crazy!"

Alane starts gripping her blonde hair talking to herself. Issac did always look more like his mother, same blonde hair, beautiful light blue eyes. They look almost identical.

Issac feels tears rush down his face at the sight of his mother crying. "This is your fault I'm like this! You cheated on me when I was pregnant! And I still loved you!" She branches off talking to herself again. "I don't know why I put up with him. Your right he doesn't love me, he's just using me."

"I can't do this shit anymore." Tony whispered. It hurt his heart watching how Alane let himself go, he didn't know whether to believe he's to blame or if she really has some mental problems.

He stormed out of the house slamming the front door shut. His mom dropped to her knees crying. Issac didn't know what was going on but he felt for his mother. Everybody needs someone, and if Tony has Angela then who has Alane? Issac wanted to be around his mother and be there for her but that was hard when Tony is convinced she's a danger to him.

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