Teasers: Black and White

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A/N: This book and series will likely be the one to come before Terminal. These snippets will also be from different books in that series! I won't be super mean and randomize the order. So they'll be chronological!


At All Costs: Kalin

      I heard the doors opened of our hide out. I peaked up from where I sat beside Jai who was finally napping. My heart dropped when I saw it wasn't Aiyana and Alstein. Instead some vaguely familiar faces. I looked down to Jai, grimacing. I needed to take a stand. I grasped my bow, notching an arrow. After watching a bit more as they rummaged through the storefront I deduced that none of them had a gun; which was my primary concern. I however was unsure of my approach.

      I stood from my hiding place, announcing my presence.

"Stop or i'll shoot." I warned, aim poised on the boy closest to us.

"Oh look who we have here. Surprised to see you lived." The other sneered.

     I was greeted with indifference, letting lose an arrow that sailed clean through the shoulder of another. I guess the poundage this bow had to offer was too high. I was taken by surprise as I was about to notch another arrow, being forced down to the ground, Jai a little ways away from me.

"Should we have some fun Neal?" He asked his comrade who had shaken off my arrow as if it were nothing.

"I think so." He replied as I was struggling to break free.

"Hold him up." Neal commanded, pulling a syringe out of his pocket.

      I wasn't given a moment before the syringe was jabbed into my shoulder, whatever the clear liquid inside it was injected into me. I was let go, clumsily falling back as my heart began racing. 

"Fuck...Off." I heard a breathy voice command. I looked up to see Jai on his feet, cleaving into a guy with his sword. The wound was lethal as Neal cried out in pain. The other rushed Jai, tackling him to the ground. I went to move, my limbs feeling heavy and my reactions felt three seconds slow.

     What was I injected with exactly? I wasn't able to reach Jai as he tried defending himself. It was like watching a puppy fighting a grown man. Though luck shined down on us as I saw Aiyana and Al burst through the doors.

"Restrain him." Aiyana commanded as Al did her bidding, saving Jai in the process who was trying to collect himself.

"The fucking princess lived too. Miracle she wasn't raped and left for dead. Useless bitch." Our captive spat as I managed to pull myself over to Jai, my head and vision swimming.

     Aiyana's expression was calm as she walked up to Al and our captive who was in an arm lock.

"Let him go." She said softly, her words catching me by surprise. Upon being released our captive ran.

     Though just when he cleared Aiyana she caught him, pinning him into an arm lock.

"Useless bitch?" She questioned softly, a loud pop echoing off baron walls. The guy cried out in pain, trying to resist her. But Aiyana was definitely far from dainty and weak, holding him in place.

     In a display of her martial arts talent she forced him down to his knees to face me, her green eyes furious. She was going to kill him at this rate!

"What was it you said about my being useless?" She crooned gently, caressing his scalp gently before grabbing a handful of hair roughly.

"Should have killed you sooner." He spat at me as I tried to help Jai sit up.

Book Three: To LifeWhere stories live. Discover now